Life is a Garden Party

Friday, October 11, 2024


Yesterday's project.  Podded pole beans and scarlet runner beans last night.  Vegetable soup on the menu. Story from Life Is a Garden Party Vol V.


Today’s sun shines bright,

though frost forecasted tonight.

Time to cleanup the garden

in preparation for autumn.

More fun to don on a sunny day

while serenaded by the blue jays.

A big basket of fresh green beans

is harvested under the sunbeams.

Tomorrow a stir-fry will be made

with a yummy ginger marinade.

Others will be blanched 3 minutes then frozen.

Will taste mighty fine when the snow is blowing.

There are shell beans to be podded one night

to add to homemade soup one cold night.

There's onions, carrots, and green beans to add

with tomatoes and zucchini, I'm glad,

for minestrone or chowder

making a tasty simple supper.

Peppers are taken in

to be chopped and frozen

for meat sauce this winter.

Better than a diners.

These pepper plants will be covered tonight

so baby peppers can mature in the sunlight.

Fresh parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

are cut to make bouquets today; it's time.

They'll be used to make herbed turkey stock

from turkey bones simmering in a pot

with onions, celery, and carrots

as a base for turkey soups. Can't wait.

The wheelbarrow and I

strain with winter squash piled high.

Can't wait to eat.

They'll be a treat.

I'll wait a week for the squash to cure

then will bake in the oven for supper.

Carrots, cabbage, and beets

are said to be more sweet

when left out in the cold,

or so the “sage” ones told.

Besides, I've run out of room

to store my gardening boom.

* * * * *

Do you thank God for your daily bread

as well as other foods which you are fed?

Our food is a gift from God, you know,

designed to make us strong and help us grow.

Have you thought to thank God for the variety

of foods available every day when you pray?

Not just the colors but the textures and flavors -

creamy, crunchy, sweet, tart – made for us to savor.

Vitamins, minerals, fiber inclusive,

designed for us to be healthy and live.

A study of vitamins and minerals contained

in fruits and vegetables will amaze how God ordained.

Nutrition incorporated to sustain health.

Over time you’ll learn a healthy diet is wealth.

God knows just what we need each day.

Thank Him now as you bow your head and pray.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11 (KJV)

Give us day by day our daily bread.

Luke 11:3 (KJV)

Scarlet Runner Beans

Life Is a Garden Party
is available via Amazon.

Friday, October 4, 2024




Wood smoke a wisp

on a cool day crisp.

Off to the orchard to pick

apples night-visiting deer missed.

Walked by the pond where fish

are deep in the mud in bliss.

Leaves underfoot crisp.

Black walnut kicked.

High in the trees apples list.

An apple picker picks.

Into a bucket when picked.

Apples tasted juicy crisp.

Here's one under the tall grass missed.

Bucket soon full with apples picked.

Some nipped by greedy, squawking birds but still crisp.

This orchard long ago planted by loved ones now missed.

What will taste delish?

Applesauce, apple butter, yes?

Apple pie or apple crisp?

All good to the last lick.

Light a candlewick

then for a midnight snack, fill a dish.

Don't make yourself sick.

Blow out the candle, as you make a wish.

* * * * *

If every man, woman, child

could pick apples on a day mild

enjoying the wonderful outdoors

given to us by God the Creator

their stress levels would then be lessened;

if everyone could learn that lesson.

When you look into someone's face

you'll see worry that can't be erased.

It's etched into their brow,

brought on by stress – and how!

Worry causes stress, you'll find

and prohibits peace of mind.

If there are more worry lines than laugh lines

brought on over the years through one's lifetime,

then you need to be reminded

what God the Father says, so kind.

It's: “Do not worry about tomorrow,”

for you'll find worry leads to sorrow.

When you worry, joy is unattainable,

for worry renders you quite unable

to see the good things that abound

then you’ll wear a great big frown.

So forget about your worries and put on a smile.

Your smile will become a habit after awhile.

I will forget my complaint;

I will change my expression and smile.

Job 9:27

Godliness with contentment is great gain.

I Timothy 6:6

The story was inspired during the last week of my grandmother's life when I walked past the pond and the black walnut tree, to the orchard beside the barn to pick apples to take in to show her. She did hold one and smell it.

Gram was known for making the best apple pies. I don’t know which apples she preferred to use to make pies, but I do know my grandparents had a Northern Spy tree. They produce large apples. (Those apples were my dad’s favorite.)

P.S. I’ve learned to use two types of apples for the best tasting apple pies. Here’s my recipe for flaky and nutty-tasting pie crust:

2 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon baking powder

2/3 cup shortening

1 tablespoon olive oil

enough milk to form dough

Bake at 425.

Blend ingredients using bread dough attachment until dough forms a ball.

Roll out on lightly floured surface.

White flour may be substituted but not as tasty. Try with ½ teaspoon cinnamon.

As an aside, try switching from all-purpose flour to unbleached flour for baking.

Not only less chemicals, but the end product is more moist and golden in color.

Neighbor's apple tree abundant this year.

Story from Vol V
Life Is a Garden Party.
Available via Amazon.

Friday, September 27, 2024


 First "story" in Vol V.  Life Is a Garden Party is available via Amazon or Palmetto.


Rain fell during the night.

Leaves now float in flight

weaving a blanket on the ground

where autumn's rainbow is now found.

Gently leaves drift down, quiet,

settling as a soft quilt

warming the ground

in rusts and browns.

Other leaves are bright burgundy,

or orange from sugar maple trees,

nestling together as they cuddle on the grass

where they'll slowly turn brown as autumn comes to pass.

These leaves will rustle when the breeze blows

making more work for someone to tow,

but in the meantime they snuggle

into a blanket in a huddle.

Covering the earth in a hug

waiting for someone to come lug

this comforter which gently settled

upon the ground in a puddle.

Autumn's blanket in gold, orange, brown, or rust

with burgundy swirling around when a gust

of wind rustles the leaves.

A-choo! Someone just sneezed.

For autumn brings with it allergy season

until Jack Frost comes and it's freezing.

In the meantime someone snuggles,

under an afghan they huddle.

* * * * *

Snuggling under a blanket

at night when it's quiet

when the day is done

just before sleep comes

what do you think about?

Are you filled with doubts?

There's much uncertainty in the world.

Everyday more unrest unfolds.

There might be calamity

filling one with anxiety.

Many are in pain and distress

causing relentless ongoing stress.

Everyone everywhere has troubles,

but bear in mind God is able -

for with God nothing is impossible.

God has an answer to our troubles.

He has a plan and purpose already in mind

to relieve you of the burdens that are not kind.

The answer is found in patiently waiting

while everyday in faith believing resting.

Faith believing should be a place of calm assurance

that God is with you and will give you endurance

to prayerfully battle whatever it is you're going through

and is with you to comfort you with His loving kindness too.

Yes, you are loved by God, it's true,

as each morning breaks anew.

Remind yourself, “I am loved by God today.”

It will help you cope with whatever comes your way.

For whatever comes your way might be God's way

to show Himself faithful to you everyday.

(Here’s an example of God’s love: In Genesis we read about Jacob’s wives: Leah and Rachel. Rachel was loved by her husband. Leah felt unloved. Leah’s prayers are recorded: “The Lord has seen me..., the Lord heard..., God listened to Leah..., etc.” Leah appears to be a godly praying women. It seems her sons were raised under her godly influence, because it is Leah’s descendants mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1 [Judah’s brothers which included Levi, who became the Levite tribe of priests serving God]. One example that God loves those who feel unloved.)

Do you know, impossible

spells “I’M-possible”

for God is the great I AM!

Everyone say Amen!

I AM the way, the truth, the life.

Claim these promises for your life.

Yet this I call to mind

and therefore I have hope.

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

I say to myself, “the Lord is my portion;

therefore I will wait for him.”

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,

to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly

for the salvation of the Lord.

Lamentations 3:21-26

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,

who comforts us in all our troubles.

II Corinthians 1:3-4

What is impossible with men is possible with God.

Luke 18:27

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,

"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me,

and I will listen to you.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Jeremiah 29:11-13

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,

and in his word I put my hope.

Psalm 130:5

So we say with confidence,

"The Lord is my helper."

Hebrews 13:6

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

John 1:40-50

The way this passage is worded, I'm seeing Andrew running to find his only brother Simon to tell him that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ! V41 says Andrew found his brother and told him first.  Andrew was soooo excited he was bursting at the seams to tell someone and the first someone was his brother.  Sounds like they had a close relationship.  Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus.

When Jesus looked at Simon he changed his name to Peter.  Peter means rock.  When you read the gospels about Peter you learn that he was impulsive and unstable.  YET, Jesus named him for what he would become!  (Jesus also sees what you are becoming as you seek and grow in Christlikeness.)  Peter was the one who hung around in the background at the cruxificion, even denying he knew Jesus 3 times. Peter is also the one that Jesus told "I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail..." Luke 22:32.  YET, Peter was also the one who wrote the books of I and II Peter.  Books that would give testimony to the relationship he had with Jesus Christ.  (I'm seeing YET as a U-turn, a transformation.) The end of Luke 22:32 says "And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."  Jesus words came true.  Jesus saw what Peter would become, just as Jesus sees what you are becoming.

The next day after meeting Peter, Jesus said to Philip, "Follow me."  Philip then found Nathanael and told him about "The One" written about in the Law and by the prophets.  I'm thinking Philip didn't accidentally find Nathanael but searched for him.  Perhaps knowing where Nathanael would be Philip ran to find him.  He couldn't keep the 'good news' to himself.  "The One" Philip was talking about is Jesus. Philip then encouraged Nathanael to come see for himself.  

When Nathanael saw Jesus he asked "How do you know me?" Jesus answered, "I saw you ...under the fig tree before Philip called you." NIV study Bible says the fig tree's shade was a favorite place for study and prayer. Jesus saw Nathanael.  Jesus sees you too.  He sees your heart.  He sees your willingness.  He sees your growth.  He sees what you are becoming.  (Just like Hagar in Genesis who said, "You are the God who sees me.")  Then Nathanael believed Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel.  Note, when Simon met Jesus v42 says Jesus "looked at" Simon, who was renamed Peter.  Jesus saw Peter also.  He saw his heart.  

Did you notice Andrew's and Philip's reaction when they realized who The Messiah or The One was?  Sounds like they ran to tell their brother or their best friend.  They couldn't keep the good news to themselves.  

Does picturing the excitement of finally realizing the actuality that Messiah had finally arrived on earth, or picturing two grown men running to tell, to share, or the love poured out by The Messiah when he looked/he saw the hearts of Peter and Nathanael prompt you to tell someone?

Who is on our mind to tell about Jesus? 

Tomorrow may be too late.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Two mini devotionals...

 ...on my Life Is a Garden Party facebook page.

One has to do with the verse about God being the potter and we being the clay.  (There's been a hymn written about that as well.)

The second one is dedicated to my friend Sissie who now lives in heaven.

Heavenly Blue morning glories yearly planted in memory of a friend's mother.  Love how its light shines.  An example to us.

Friday, September 20, 2024


 Captured many photos of sunset last night. I see sunrises and sunsets as "God's glory touching earth."

Day is Done

As day fades into twilight

the afterglow of the sun's light

is sprinkled like gold reflecting dust

illuminating all it does touch

when day composes its last refrains

reflected in ripening grain,

mirrored in far away oceans and seas,

lakes and rivers as far as one can see.

This gilded afterglow

casts a radiant glow

on everything below

as it ebbs and flows

casting a golden hue

making everything look new

for a minute in time

then quickly lost in time.

This fading glow of gold

is a sight to behold

as the sky reflects

a masterpiece perfect

in waves of golden rosy pinks

although quickly gone in a blink

as day is done, gone

when twilight comes.

This golden shimmer

highlights and glimmers

all it touches

although never captured.

It's illusive, except for a moment,

when your eyes behold this heavenly event -

somewhat sacred, always awesome -

with each replay always welcome.

Yet each replay is always different,

never copied, always unique, distinct

from the sunset the day before

as this golden glimmer pours

over the firmament

when the close of the day is met -

a benediction

in the making.

This gold,

not sold,

is often attempted

to be recreated

by artists

and poets

although a far cry from perfect

although sunsets are always perfect.

* * * * *

Do take time to watch the sunset cast its spell

in the sky above, then over hill and dell.

You'll be awed by the Creator's inspirational masterpiece

and will experience a reverent contentment, a perfect peace,

as day turns into night

with a sigh of delight.

Another gift from the Master's paintbrush

because He loves us so very much.

God called the light “day,”

and the darkness he called “night.”

Genesis 1:5

The Lord blesses his people with peace.

Psalm 29:11

May God himself, the God of peace,

sanctify you through and through.

May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless

at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

I Thessalonians 5:23-24

May the God of peace...

equip you with everything good

for doing his will,

and may he work in us

what is pleasing to him,

through Jesus Christ,

to whom be glory for ever and ever.

Hebrews 13:20

For the Lord God is a sun and shield;

the Lord bestows favor and honor;

no good thing does he withhold

from those whose walk is blameless.

O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Psalm 84:11-12

This is the day the Lord has made;

let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

The righteous will shine like the sun

in the kingdom of their Father.

Matthew 13:43

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Volume V


Volume V now available to preorder from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Back cover:

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Winter, a time of rejuvenation for flower bulbs, perennials, and trees, although winter seems like a respite for plant life as well as for gardeners, winter's hibernation is actually life giving. Spring: a time of rebirth.Flower bulbs awaken and bloom, flowering trees follow where birds start raising their family, which will awaken gardeners early to watch the miracle of germination form - which fills this gardener's heart with glee for within each seed there is a miracle waiting to spring forth.

Much regeneration takes place during the summer with many activities for gardeners: searching early morning for new golden blooms where honey bees nectar. Filling the compost with nutrients (there's no waste in God's economy) from endless weeding. Harvesting daily, albeit the longed-for tomatoes take much longer to mature. Summer harvesting is what gardeners long for during the long winter months. A daily stroll to see a rainbow of new flower blooms. When asked what my favorite flower is, my response: "whatever is blooming!" My little plot is named Rainbow's End. The proverbial pot of gold is found in squash blossoms!

Then comes the resurgence of autumn, all too soon. Autumn means harvesting summer's bounty, when soups or chowders please one's taste. The hills are alive with a blaze of my favorite colors, changing daily, beautifying the hillside temporarily. Rather plant life, or human life, seasons come and go too quickly; each filled with lessons, wonder, miracles, and blessings for each new day. After all, Life Is a Garden Party!

Many more "stories" are shared on my blog, where I can be contacted, at http: //

Spent this past winter with left hand in cast "enhancing" Vol V to prepare to send to publisher.  Enhancing ended up being more than proofreading.  Many paragraphs added to update on either what I learned since original writing or the endings of stories of what transpired here at Rainbow's End in the past as original stories written more than 10 years ago.  Re-reading reminded me of God's past faithfulness.  A joy to recall.

I thought it was as good as I could clarify in the spring, but my head voice discouraged me from sending.  That day two facebook friends shared with me how my simple words encouraged them.  To God be the glory.  Contacted the publisher the next day.

Although sales remain low, the blog is busy.  Especially from European and Oriental countries.  

Feel free to share this photo on your page along with where to order.  Thank you for being a blessing.