Life is a Garden Party

Friday, May 17, 2024




Night comes calling.

Twilight is falling.

Just before dusk

there's a hush.

Amber transcends

as the sun descends.

Just for a moment in time

everything is gilded, sublime.

Awash in a hue not in the crayon array

of golden yellows found in the cardboard tray.

Everything seems illuminated;

this color spectrum highlighted.

Even the birds are silent

for a moment of sacred silence

in this golden light

of amber highlights.

An exaltation of silent prayer

of worship to their Creator,

the God of the universe,

in heart-felt, non-spoken verse.

Amber enhances just before dusk begins to set

promising tomorrow there will be other delights.

Night quietly settles in.

It's time for me to head in.

A last look at the horizon.

Tree toads vocalize in song

in the lawn

as I yawn.


in my town.


now night.

Good night.

Sleep tight.

Tomorrow there will be more surprise delights,

as was this moment in time filled with delightful sights.

* * * * *

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,

for amber waves of grain,

for purple mountain majesties

above the fruited plain!

America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.

(written by Katharine Lee Bates)

In high school* this chorus became part of a composition,

which was posted on the bulletin board, about pollution.

Look how far a little unknown encouragement has taken.

Only God knew there would be a "poet" in the making.

(*According to the yearbook, this teacher was Mrs. Mary L. Snyder,

who taught at Horseheads High School, Horseheads, NY. [1971])

The following was written circa 2008:

Despite the differences between republicans and democrats,

the left wing or right wing, congress, senate, or whatever bureaucrats,

God has shed His grace on us

despite our living in lust...

despite our misuse of His creation,

despite our lack of appreciation,

despite our abuse toward other humans,

despite our waywardness from God's plan...

despite our living for oneself

instead of lives of worship,

despite our selfish, cold, hardened hearts,

God is for us and will never depart.

God is gracious

to all races

when we cry out for help

or weep from burdened hearts.

God's blessings abound

when we look around

for God is loving and kind

we find time after time.

There seems to be a lot of topics written here

that could be expanded on or made more clear.

Perhaps another day you'll read

about pollution, government, greed.

For now this story ends

with a thought on how to mend

our relationship with the Lord,

whose grace we cannot afford.

Just pray, “Heavenly Father, thank you,

for all blessings come from you.

Your loving kindness brings delight

as you bless those whose walk is right.”

Let him that glorieth glory in this,

that he understandeth and knoweth me,

that I am the Lord which exercises

loving kindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth:

for in these things I delight.

Jeremiah 9:24 (KJV)

(The Hebrew translation of kindness is devotion.)

The Lord loves righteousness and justice;

the earth is full of his unfailing love.

Psalm 33:5

The Lord works righteousness and justice

for all the oppressed.

Psalm 103:6

What does the Lord require of you?

To act justly

and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

God does not show favoritism.

Romans 2:11

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Thursday, May 9, 2024


 Daniel or Danielle consumed asparagus here last night.  Not happy.


Daniel loves to eat vegetables.

He doesn't wait to set the table.

He eats what he wants

as often as he wants.

Daniel likes sweet green peppers the best.

He eats them before he eats the rest.

He hasn't tried hot peppers at all.

Perhaps he's too smart, that Daniel.

One of his favorites is snow peas.

Green pole beans also seem to please.

Daniel has never said no to beets either.

He likes butternut squash when its tender.

Daniel will try potatoes

and nibble on tomatoes.

Green seems to be his favorite color,

although he wears a tan coat and collar.

Yes, Daniel loves to eat vegetables.

This is a true tale, not a fable.

Then again, the eater might be Danielle, who knows

for they come in the middle of the night, you know.

Daniel or Danielle are unwelcome guests.

Who are these midnight guests? Can you guess?

They are deer

who are not dear.

But they do have a lesson to teach us:

vegetables are very good for us.

They give us strength to jump up high

and endurance to run fast, bye bye.

* * * * *

The Bible tells us a true story about another Daniel.

This Daniel asked for vegetables to be served at the table.

Daniel and his friends were healthier looking

and God gave them all a keen mind for learning.

It is a good idea to follow Daniel's example.

Daniel, God's servant; not Daniel the deer's example

because Daniel the deer steals his vegetables

and you know, of course, that stealing is illegal.

Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink...

At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished...

To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding

of all kinds of literature and learning.

Daniel 1:12, 15, 17

Better a meal of vegetables where there is love.

Proverbs 15:17

You shall not steal.

Exodus 20:15

Photo of Danielle.  Her fawn was born on my side of the fence. Did not jump over as I was outside.

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

I'm Back



Oh what a beautiful morning,

Oh what a beautiful day...

everyone’s waking up singing –

the robins, sparrows, and blue jays,

the mourning doves, red-winged blackbirds,

cardinals, chickadees, cowbirds -

all tweet to their heart’s content,

their chorus heavenward sent.

Swallows, finches, and wrens

also have a song to send.

Warblers and nut hatchers,

thrushes and thrashers

vocalize proudly.

Crows chime in loudly.

Rather red, blue, black or brown

everyone joins ‘round.

There are chirps and tweets,

not always sounding sweet,

for newborns seem to learn

very early in the morn.

There are coo coos and caw caws

mixed with a wren’s a cappella.

A barnyard’s clucks and quacks and gobbles and honks chatter

after Brewster the Rooster’s er-er-er-er-errrr!

Canadian geese overhead

honking, northward bound, early heard

add to the morning chorus

sounding like a loud ruckus -

for when you try to catch a few more winks

the glee club is heard exercising hi-jinks

announcing “I’m back”…

the long winter is past.

* * * * *

Aren’t we glad the winter is past,

to hear the birds singing - at last!

Birds announce spring is here

for each low coo coo you hear

or every loud caw caw caw

is a reminder to all

that spring has finally sprung.

With it new hope also comes.

Hope is a confidence,

a promised assurance,

that God does have a solution

to all of our earthly problems.

So when life seems upside down,

instead of wearing a frown,

be assured that the One you hope in

has all the answers to strife within.

Sometimes hope seems lost

when life seems like dross

but the hardships of life,

sometimes bringing much strife,

teach valuable lessons to us –

growing our faith and teaching us to trust.

Spring brings hope of a brighter tomorrow

and through all of life’s stresses and plateaus.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for

and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Hope does not disappoint us,

because God has poured out his love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:5

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.