Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, May 4, 2024

I'm Back



Oh what a beautiful morning,

Oh what a beautiful day...

everyone’s waking up singing –

the robins, sparrows, and blue jays,

the mourning doves, red-winged blackbirds,

cardinals, chickadees, cowbirds -

all tweet to their heart’s content,

their chorus heavenward sent.

Swallows, finches, and wrens

also have a song to send.

Warblers and nut hatchers,

thrushes and thrashers

vocalize proudly.

Crows chime in loudly.

Rather red, blue, black or brown

everyone joins ‘round.

There are chirps and tweets,

not always sounding sweet,

for newborns seem to learn

very early in the morn.

There are coo coos and caw caws

mixed with a wren’s a cappella.

A barnyard’s clucks and quacks and gobbles and honks chatter

after Brewster the Rooster’s er-er-er-er-errrr!

Canadian geese overhead

honking, northward bound, early heard

add to the morning chorus

sounding like a loud ruckus -

for when you try to catch a few more winks

the glee club is heard exercising hi-jinks

announcing “I’m back”…

the long winter is past.

* * * * *

Aren’t we glad the winter is past,

to hear the birds singing - at last!

Birds announce spring is here

for each low coo coo you hear

or every loud caw caw caw

is a reminder to all

that spring has finally sprung.

With it new hope also comes.

Hope is a confidence,

a promised assurance,

that God does have a solution

to all of our earthly problems.

So when life seems upside down,

instead of wearing a frown,

be assured that the One you hope in

has all the answers to strife within.

Sometimes hope seems lost

when life seems like dross

but the hardships of life,

sometimes bringing much strife,

teach valuable lessons to us –

growing our faith and teaching us to trust.

Spring brings hope of a brighter tomorrow

and through all of life’s stresses and plateaus.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for

and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Hope does not disappoint us,

because God has poured out his love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:5

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Friday, April 26, 2024




Sunday I saw the very first one.

I thought to myself, “how fun!”

It reminded me of being young.

Monday I did not see a one

as we had an all-day rain storm.

We needed the rain more than sun.

Tuesday I saw a few. I could count one plus one.

They looked like little smiley faces – little suns.

I told someone about them when I talked on the phone.

Wednesday I wasn’t at home.

Didn’t pay any attention.

I had spent the day on the run.

Thursday I thought, “where did they all come from?”

They were seen in the grass, the beds, the garden.

I needed to start removing one by one.

Friday more yellow than green did abound.

How come one was fun, but more was wrong?

It looks like they’ll add up to a ton.

Saturday they were finally mowed to the ground.

Green grass appeared for a few minutes when done

before they popped up again, these little yellow suns.

Little yellow sunshines in the grass are dandelions.

Irregardless of what you might think, they can be fun.

Please remember, honey bees nectar on dandelions.

Please reconsider before yearly buying

chemicals to eradicate dandelions,

for dandelions provide nectar for honey bees.

Honey bees are beloved to me and a delight to see.

* * * * *

Perhaps we should view dandelions as our blessings.

We can never have too many of God’s good blessings.

For each dandelion write down a blessing

to put in a jar you’ve labeled “blessings.”

It will be a reminder when life is confusing

and you are prone to give in to stressing from testings.

The reminder jar will keep you from stressing

during the times you’re experiencing testings.

Instead of living in much strife and guessing,

you can review your blessings and be resting

in God’s promises – His many blessings,

as everyday we receive more blessings.

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth,

and he adds no trouble to it.

Proverbs 10:22

You will eat the fruit of your labor;

blessings and prosperity will be yours.

Psalm 128:2

Above story from Life Is a Garden Party Vol IV

available via Amazon.

Sunday, April 21, 2024




Here I am crawling on the dill,

chowing down, I'm never still.

I need to grow fast

then I will change in a flash.

Do you see me here

slightly camouflaged, just peer -

I'm dressed in black and green stripes

with yellow and black spots.





I'm quite content to quietly consume

dill or parsley morning, night, or noon.

I'm growing bigger every day.

Soon I will change in a big way.

This change is only one of my transformations.

Althogether I'll go through four transitions.

I started life as a small egg, a tiny yellow dot.

You won't notice me unless you play hide and seek.

Soon this change will take place.

I can't wait to begin this race.

Here I am wiggling and wiggling,

my stripes and spots miraculously exchanging.





Now I am encased in a brown sack,

which completely covers me – it's a fact.

This funny looking sack is known as a chrysalis.

I'm camouflaged once again in this tan dress.

Another name for this change is metamorphosis.

I transformed from a caterpillar to a chrysalis.

In a few days I will change once again.

This change will give me beautiful wings.

My chrysalis will change from opaque to transparent.

It really is a miracle to watch this change in my appearance.

One day soon I'll break free and you'll see me fly,

flutter, and waltz – free – up in the blue, blue sky.

I hope you get to see this transformation.

I know you, too, will be filled with exaltation.

Look for me when you're outside.

I'm the black swallowtail, see me glide....

as I dance to my own music

then stop at a flower for a sip

of tasty nectar which gives me energy

to fly, fly, fly up and away. Did you see me?

There I am dancing in the sky

with wings that allow be to fly.

I couldn't do that when I was egg so tiny,

or a caterpillar or enclosed in a chrysalis, not hardly.

It was my transformation that gave me wings.

Wings that allow me to fly free in the wind.

This transformation was what is best for me.

No longer bound. I'm free! Im free! I'm free!





* * * * *

The Bible also talks about transformation.

You could compare your spiritual transformation

to that of a new-born butterfly,

when you say goodbye to the old. Bye, bye.

Transformation involves taking off the old

and putting on the new, that's a fact we're told.

Like the butterfly, we need to change from the inside out.

Our old nature needs to be exchanged, without a doubt.

Would a butterfly want to go back to being a caterpillar?

Would you ever want to go back to being a toddler?

Don't you want to grow and mature, surely,

both physically and spiritually.

Would you choose to keep your old nature

when you are given a choice of a new nature?

Would you want to stay encased in a chrysalis of fear,

doubt, disappointment, depression, anger year after year.

God has provided a new way to live.

The answer is found in "forgive."

Realize God's Son offers you forgiveness

then simply receive this free gift, when you confess.

Forgiveness is the beginning of a transformed life.

A life honoring God with a dilemma of choice:

the old way

vs. a new way.

Your lifelong journey now involves putting off the old

way of living and thinking, that is formed by this world,

then putting on the new transformed way of life pleasing to God.

This new way of life begins in the mind and is secured by the heart.

Like the butterfly, God gives us wings "of faith"

that allow us to fly free, protected, safe.

Don't remained cocooned in your old chrysalis.

Shake it off through prayer. Rise above. Persist.

You are meant to fly free,

without worry,



Spread your wings of faith today.

Be transformed in every way.

Let God replace your old way of thinking.

He'll direct you on a path worth living.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:2

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory,

are being transformed into his likeness

with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord,

who is the Spirit.

II Corinthians 3:18

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

the old has gone, the new is come.

II Corinthians 5:17

Put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires,

to be made new in the attitude of your minds,

and to put on the new self created to be like God

in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:23-24

Will tranform our lowly bodies

so that they will be like His glorious body.

Philippians 3:21

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Editing again this chilly April afternoon.  By the time I'm done with all it looks like I'll end up with 10 volumes of Life Is a Garden Party!  Working on getting Vol V ready for publication this year.  The story above is in Vol IX.  It really did happen here.  The photos attest to it.

Friday, April 19, 2024


Looked this one up to print last week and the printer isn't working again.  

Some issue a couple of weeks ago.  Fixed.  

Haven't yet called support again.

Ode to Rose

How lovely a blooming rose.

It’s beauty comes from within, it glows

as its petals open and pose.

Spiraling around it shows

one petal at a time, it grows

full bloom into a lovely rose.

How fragrant this blooming rose

delighting everyone’s nose

as most everyone knows.

How beautiful it grows.

Covered with dewdrops, it glows.

Yes, how lovely a rose.

It’s the object of many poet’s prose

who often pen heartfelt tributes to a rose

one day quoted as romantic words sowed.

You’ll find this perfect rose from thorns arose –

as joy from sorrow one day will be bestowed.

Yes, hope deferred is born – as time will show.

It’s the thorns in life that eventually sow

internal beauty grown from heartache and woe,

the end result being lovelier than a rose.

Long-time gardeners know a rose

will endure a lifetime of woes

for roses attract many foes.

Not only are poets romanced by a rose,

so are aphids and green worms, and black spot grows.

These insects might be knocked off with the water hose.

Even deer are know to nip off rosebuds by their nose

often tattle-tailed by the tell-tale print of their toes.

Yes, roses are know to attract many unwanted foes.

Despite the woes

that roses pose,

lovely is a rose.

This ode to a rose

written in prose

now comes to a close.

* * * * *

This ode refers to “hope deferred”

as in when our dreams are on hold

or when prayers are seemingly ignored.

As we all know, waiting is hard to do,

even though patience is bestowed, it’s true,

as diamonds in the rough turns into jewels.

Yes, waiting has much to teach everyone of us.

It ultimately grows our faith as we learn to trust.

It’s meant to be a time of rest instead of stress.

As we grow in faith and faithfully trust

we realize God has a good plan for us,

our prayers are heard and therein we place our trust.

So we wait for our prayers to one day be answered

then often realize God had a better answer

for it’s in God’s time wherein lies the key to the answer.

Often when God doesn’t answer your prayers when you’d like him to,

it’s because He has something much better in His plan for you.

In the meantime, continue to give God glory because He loves you.

In God’s time, in God’s time...

God makes all things possible in His time.

May the prayers I offer Him

bring glory to my King

as God makes all things possible in His time.

(Deviation of “In His Time”.)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;

worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

Psalm 29:2

Thy will be done.

Matthew 6:10 (KJV)

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

SoS 4:16


4/16 - 4:16
Awake, north wind, and come, south wind.
Blow on my garden,
that its fragrance may spread abroad.
Song of Songs 4:16
Weeping cherry burst into bloom yesterday.
Not scented, but fills my senses with joy.

More photos from yesterday's garden tour on my Life Is a Garden Party facebook page.

Saturday, April 13, 2024




Sun's going down

leaving a pink crown

in the western sky on top of the hill

where paintbrush colors of sky-blue-pink spills.

Sky’s lit up with pink

as the sun sinks

ending another day

with sky-blue-pink rays.

Second by second

the Creator's palette

colors and paints


Watch now as it dries

high up in the sky,

flushed with pink

sky-blue-pink winks.

When you wink


is gone.

So long.

Dusk has turned into night

after a brief twilight

when sky-blue-pink

briefly winked.

Sky-blue-pink is a mirror

that tomorrow will be clear.

Blue skies delight

at first light.

Next time you see sky-blue-pink

take a minute to watch it sink

forecasting tomorrow's favorable weather

as tonight's sunset became a barometer.

* * * * *

Though gone in a wink,

the sky in sky-blue-pink

casts a rosy glow

wherever it goes.

Like wearing rose-colored glasses

wherever it touches or passes,


makes one think.

What if we looked at life through rose-colored glasses?

What if our attitude was one of gratitude versus

fretting or grumbling,

worrying or complaining.

What if we recounted our blessings

instead of daily stressing?

Wouldn't life seem better

and a lot more sweeter?

Try sharing your blessings out loud

next time you're with friends in a crowd.

You'll have an appreciative audience

when you count your blessings, not your can'ts.

Besides, doesn't worrying get us down?

Aren't we often seen wearing a frown?

Did it benefit in the end

to daily stress to no end?

Daily put on your rose-colored glasses

and recount your blessings as the day passes.

When you have an attitude of gratitude,

you'll find a positive change in your attitude.

When evening comes, you say,

'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,'

and in the morning,

'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red.'

Matthew 16:2-3

Do everything without complaining or arguing,

so that you may become blameless and pure,

children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,

in which you shine like stars in the universe.

Philippians 2:14-15

Do not grumble.

I Corinthians 10:10a

He has heard your grumbling against him...

You are not grumbling against, us,

but against the Lord.

Exodus 16:8b

Blessings crown the head of the righteous.

Proverbs 10:6a

To me, sunrises and sunsets showcase God’s glory touching earth. 

Do take a moment to appreciate this benediction or blessing from heaven.

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Thursday, April 11, 2024




Nature or its beauty cannot be explained

other than a miracle once ordained

by the Creator in the beginning

when life was established by God speaking

“and it was so” and “it was good”

as only the one true God could.

God created plants and trees

to bear seeds in their fruit, you see,

for God works out every detail

even making flowers male and female

with pistils (F)

and stamens (M).

Consider the lily for a minute

which propagates from a bulb,

yet it will reproduce offshoots,

or seeds it might also produce.

Certain lilies produce bulblets in their leaf nodules.*

Two or more per nodule. A real miracle!

*(Scientifically, bulbils in leaf axils.)

Patient gardeners will wait

for lily seeds to re-create.

Three years later they are rewarded,

for gardeners are not often thwarted,

with many pretty blooms

after the foliage zooms.

Or the bulb will one day multiply

under the soil where buried it lies.

Each year they’ll return

as if being reborn.

Another miracle in the offering.

One of the many joys of gardening.

Day lilies might also produce seed pods

as well as multiplying rhizomes in the sod.

Each “plant bearing seed according to their kind”:

lilies, purple cone flowers, rudbeckias, columbine,

oregano, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme,

from God who showers blessings of rain or daily sunshine.

* * * * *

"Creation shows the power of God

there's glory all around

and those who see

must stand in awe

for miracles abound.

I believe in miracles

I've seen a soul set free

miraculous the change in one

redeemed at Calvary

I've seen the lily push its way

up through the stubborn sod

I believe in miracles...for I believe in God."

By John W. Peterson

No one can say it better than this songwriter

so I'll leave you with this hymn to ponder.

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation:

seed-bearing plants and trees on the land

that bear fruit with seed in it,

according to their various kinds." And it was so.

The land produced vegetation:

plants bearing seed according to their kinds

and trees bearing fruit with seed in it

according to their kinds.

And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:11-12

This is one lily mentioned in the above story.

In my family, Grampa's Lily.

Not only does the bulb reproduce, there are 2-3 bulblets in the leaf nodules.

What a miracle!  

Four summer's ago the dreaded red lily beetle descended.  

Impossible to keep up with trying solutions to destroy them.

I thought I lost them, but Tuesday when I was cleaning up after winter,

I saw they were poking out of the mulch.

Will be treating as maintenance when the rains subside. 

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.