Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, March 30, 2024

regarding Easter...



Busy this morning, a carpenter

builds, but not with nails or a hammer.

Not one to sit still, this carpenter flies

on days when there's no rain in the sky.

Back and forth collecting building materials

interspersed with a joyous call,

this carpenter is not deterred

as the material is transferred.

He must build a home for his family

where in two weeks, or so, hungry and greedy

his family will demand to be fed

from their little round bed.

In the meantime this carpenter collects,

arranges to his satisfaction, then inspects,

the building of their first home

although he does not work alone.

For his wife works along beside

on days when the sun abides.

Back and forth they fly

to their house build up high.

Built up high, safe from foes

and the wind that blows,

in the crotch of a tree limb

their house is somewhat hidden.

Although you won't hear a rat-a-tat-tat

you'll find they have an instinctive knack

of where to place each and every twig

as they busily construct their new digs.

Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter

are blue jays, round house builders,

for nests are round

the world around.

* * * * *

Read the Bible verse below about nests

then consider this question, but do not guess:

Is there room in your heart for Jesus,

or is His name a name you say in jest?

One day before God's throne

will God say you made no room

as Jesus was absent from your life,

you did as you pleased throughout your life.

Before God's throne it will be too late

as you already decided your fate.

Don't wait. Make a decision right now, today,

for there's no guarantee of another day.

Because of His sacrifice on the cross

He once-for-all paid the incredible cost

to pay the penalty for our sins

granting us assurance within.

A confidence that our sins are forgiven.

A certainty of a home in heaven.

Simply confess.

Jesus did the rest...

when He arose from the dead

taking our place instead

offering us God's mercy through forgiveness of sins.

Believe this truth today. Invite Jesus in.

This is why Christians the world around

celebrate each Easter in their towns.

Jesus Christ arose.

Now you know. Don't suppose.

Invite Jesus into your heart's room.

Simply confess your sins. Don't live doomed.

Jesus paid the price once-for-all.

Accept the greatest gift of all.

Jesus replied,

"Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests,

but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

Matthew 8:20

For God so loved the world

that he gave his only begotten Son

that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish

but have everlasting life.

John 3:16 (KJV)

The centurion and those with him

who were guarding Jesus

saw the earthquake and all that had happened,

...exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God!"

Matthew 27:54

Mark 15:38

If we confess our sins,

he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins

and purify us from all unrighteousness.

I John 1:9

Lord, open the eyes of hearts to need and receive your gift of salvation. Amen.

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Friday, March 29, 2024


 It's Friday...but Sunday's coming!

From utter darkness to the most glorious hope.
What's your favorite Easter scripture?
Go quickly and tell his disciples:
He is risen from the dead!...
So the women hurried away from the tomb,
afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell...
Matthew 28:7-8
Although the disciples were taught what events would happen that Friday, they disappeared during the most agonizing time when their "friend" needed them. They were still in hiding. Jesus told the women to "go and tell" the most glorious news. Although afraid, their joy was greater - "afraid, yet filled with joy".
Take away: Let your joy overpower your fear, and go and tell. Share promises of Scripture. Share answered prayers. Share God's faithfulness - his protection and provision. Go...and...tell.

Thursday, March 28, 2024



Spring Cleaning

Although still a chill in the air,

today is sunny and fair.

It's time for spring cleaning,

a gleaning - not a gleaming,

not inside

but outside.

Ornamental grasses are cut down.

Some strands will form a new bird nest round

as birds are seen flirt this afternoon.

Other birds heard singing a happy tune.

Songs make the most mundane chores

seem like fun, instead of a bore.

Entertained by their verse,

compost is dispersed.

Several wheelbarrow loads

are worked into the raised bed loam

where summer vegetables will grow

in rows marked out by the hoe.

Raking needs to be done

this afternoon under the sun.

A welcome surprise

under dead leaves lie.

Although absent of perfume,

there's pink hellebores in bloom!

Serenaded by papa cardinal

this afternoon, his distinctive call

causes one to look for him.

There - up high on a limb.

For sure his bright red feathers

brings cheer whatever the weather.

The wheelbarrow filled with dead leaves are added to the pile

of cut ornamental grasses to decompose after a while.

Now to add some greens

of weeds to this bin.

All organic matter will work its magic

and 2 years later dispersed by the shovel's flick.

After a week of rain

weeds, though always a pain,

pull out easily, a good thing,

as much needed spring cleaning


under skies of blue.

A chill is being felt as the breeze

rearranges last fall's leaves.

Time to head inside

although much more work outside

waits to be done

when tomorrow comes.

It will take several afternoons

of spring cleaning as daffodils bloom,

forsythia mimics the sunshine,

bees in tulips and alliums dine,

newborns learn to sing a chorus of me-me-me

while I weed out the flower beds down on my knees.

In a few short weeks the grass will need to be mowed,

dandelions sowed by last year's wind will grow,

a trip to buy annuals to be planted,

the vegetable garden will be plowed then planted...

although gardening outside seems more fun,

be assured, spring cleaning is never done.

* * * * *

We can hardly wait for the long winter to be past

and to welcome the anticipated spring at last!

The barren land bursts into bloom

scenting the air with spring's perfume

as the greening grass daily grows

making more work to do, you know.

But what a joy to watch the miracle of spring!

Every day take time to look for there'll be something

that will thrill -

perhaps a trill

from visiting robin redbreast

when she takes a moment to rest.

Fat buds on the daffodils burst into little sunshines.

After a few warm days, spring flowering trees bloom so fine.

There seems to be more smiles

and fewer things that rile.

Perhaps this palette of spring colors

causes one to focus less on troubles.

Spring - when earth is renewed,

as one's spirit renews

when delight is revived

and one's hope is alive.

Do allow spring

to cause your heart to sing.

The desert and the parched land will be glad;

the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Like the crocus,

it will burst into bloom;

it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.

Isaiah 35:1-2

Life Is a Garden Party
is available via Amazon.

Thankful Thursday

Today is what I refer to as Thankful Thursday.

I'm especially thankful - and blessed - by more than 5,000 visits to this blog page so far this month.  Between 200-500 daily.  It's encouragement to keep on keeping on.  I've been dedicating two hours most afternoons to get the next volume of Life Is a Garden Party ready for publication (this year's goal).  Editing reminds me of God's past faithfulness, which also blesses me.  Prayers that you are blessed also.

To God be the Glory!

Photo from yesterday's stroll about.  Lots of greenery popping up.  Noticed the butterfly bushes are leafing out.  Rhubarb poking out.  Need to remove leaf blanket on rhubarb and hens and chicks, which have multiplied greatly.  Alliums, day lilies, hyacinths, daffodils...all signs of the miracle of spring.

Deer have been sampling greenery - joys and sorrows.  One joy is the Creator, God, controls the seasons which arrive right on time.  Another joy is to hear the songbirds calling forth daybreak.  

Will be starting tomato and pepper seeds next month.  Have you ever watched the first sign of greenery sprout up?  Bong!!!   Miracles!!!  

As you are a miracle also. Thank you for your encouragement.  May God bless you as you have blessed me.

Friday, March 22, 2024






then it’s March – finally!

It seems to march in slowly...

after short days marked without seeing the sun,

after long days bogged down with a cold and less fun...

after many weeks of freezing temperatures,

then when you think you can no longer endure...

last month right on time the ground hog marched in for an appearance

to determine if spring will be early or late in its occurrence,

though just a quick glance

under the circumstance,

for snow still covers,

so he again cowers

and will hibernate

until another date.

The ground hog’s short, quick march

may parade later in March

when winter is past

and spring’s here – at last!

But don’t count on the ground hog

to keep an accurate log.

It’s the birds who ring in

the first news of spring.

When March is here

just listen, you’ll hear

their chorus each new morning

of songbirds returning.

Yes, birds herald in the coming of spring

with many joyous songs they sing.

Will the bulbs under the earth

hear the birds then march with growth?

Do bulbs wait each year

to hear this song of cheer.

I know I do.

Do you too?

Take time to listen

to the song they send

then check your flower garden

for green shoots just now peeking.

A most welcome greeting

under the snow was waiting:

snowdrops and crocus,

daffodils and tulips.

They can’t wait to march out.

Gardeners want to shout.

A shout of glee is heard

in each gardener’s heart.

Marching to the beat of a ticking drum

under each day’s beaming, warming sun

chasing away winter’s doldrums

March has finally begun...

but don’t put your boots and mittens away

for March has to be persuaded to stay.

More snow may fall

surprising all.

Strange creatures that we are:

We can’t wait to see the first snow fall,

then we can’t wait to see it gone

and want spring to hurry before long.

March is here:

everyone cheers

as spring begins in March.

Ready? It’s time to march.

* * * * *

Check out this verse below from Psalm.

It should give you a sense of calm.

It says God goes before us.

So all we need do is trust.

God has already marched through our wasteland

where our troubles, disappointments, and fears stand.

He is there ahead of us,

waiting to refresh us.

Yes, life is certainly weary, as this verse states,

but God is already there and will not be late.

Trust that God has a good plan and purpose for you,

then put on your marching shoes and march on through.

When you went out before your people, O God,

when you marched through the wasteland...

You gave abundant showers, O God;

you refreshed your weary inheritance.

Psalm 68:7, 9

I will refresh the weary

and satisfy the faint.

Jeremiah 31:25

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Monday, March 18, 2024



What a lovely surprise this chilly day.

This hellebore has multiplied nicely.

Hellebore is the Latin name for Lenton Rose, which is the common name.  Here's an explanation from google:

Why are hellebores called Lenten rose?
One of the attributes I have come to admire concerning Hellebores is their season proper - they actually bloom during Lent, during the winter, starting to flower before the spireas, forsythia, and flowering trees have begun to blossom.Mar 24, 2010

Birds have been joyous the last few days.  



Personally, I think spring begins

when one sees their first robin.

Countdown to Spring is posted on my Life Is a Garden Party facebook page.

Friday, March 15, 2024


 Birds are joyous this sun shiny morning!  Happiness.


Oh what a beautiful morning,

Oh what a beautiful day...

everyone’s waking up singing –

the robins, sparrows, and blue jays,

the mourning doves, red-winged blackbirds,

cardinals, chickadees, cowbirds -

all tweet to their heart’s content,

their chorus heavenward sent.

Swallows, finches, and wrens

also have a song to send.

Warblers and nut hatchers,

thrushes and thrashers

vocalize proudly.

Crows chime in loudly.

Rather red, blue, black or brown

everyone joins ‘round.

There are chirps and tweets,

not always sounding sweet,

for newborns seem to learn

very early in the morn.

There are coo coos and caw caws

mixed with a wren’s a cappella.

A barnyard’s clucks and quacks and gobbles and honks chatter

after Brewster the Rooster’s er-er-er-er-errrr!

Canadian geese overhead

honking, northward bound, early heard

add to the morning chorus

sounding like a loud ruckus -

for when you try to catch a few more winks

the glee club is heard exercising hi-jinks

announcing “I’m back”…

the long winter is past.

* * * * *

Aren’t we glad the winter is past,

to hear the birds singing - at last!

Birds announce spring is here

for each low coo coo you hear

or every loud caw caw caw

is a reminder to all

that spring has finally sprung.

With it new hope also comes.

Hope is a confidence,

a promised assurance,

that God does have a solution

to all of our earthly problems.

So when life seems upside down,

instead of wearing a frown,

be assured that the One you hope in

has all the answers to strife within.

Sometimes hope seems lost

when life seems like dross

but the hardships of life,

sometimes bringing much strife,

teach valuable lessons to us –

growing our faith and teaching us to trust.

Spring brings hope of a brighter tomorrow

and through all of life’s stresses and plateaus.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for

and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Hope does not disappoint us,

because God has poured out his love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:5

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Thursday, March 7, 2024





spring comes

a day at a time

over weeks in time.

The sun rises earlier each morn.

You'll notice temperatures slowly warm.

One-by-one piles of snow melt

before day is done in the snow belt.

One-by-one twittering birds appear.

To see them return is quite dear.

To hear them return brings cheer

as their tweets ring loud and clear.

This morning chirps and cockles are loudly heard one-by-one.

Tweets and twitters join in as all the birds under the sun

sing to their heart’s content.

I think thankfulness is meant.

Daylight lasts longer in minutes, one-by-one.

One somehow feels younger as each new spring comes.

An excitement returns

with each new, sun-filled morn.

Needed spring rains

green the grass again

and flower bulbs are no longer hibernating

seen one-by-one now daily awakening.

Purple crocus' bloom

one sun-filled afternoon,

one-by-one visited by bees

despite the cool springtime breeze.

One-by-one daffodils and tulips now race

quickly growing heavenward inch by inch.

They put a smile on my face,

though other things I see bring a wince.

It's time to start winter's clean up.

One-by-one sticks are picked up.

This afternoon pine cones are raked up

an hour before it's time for sup.

Each spring garden chore is accomplished one-by-one.

At the end of the day I no longer feel young.

And come tomorrow there's still much more work to be done

while being serenaded by the birds under the sun.


each spring comes.

I couldn't wait for it to finally come

forgetting there’s much work to now be done.

* * * * *

Solomon had a lot to say about work:

its satisfaction, its enjoyment, its worth -

for work is a gift from God,

yes, even digging in the sod.

Especially the miracles that spring forth

one-by-one as each tiny seed brings new birth.

There's a satisfaction, a happiness, a mirth -

waiting to be born under this turf called earth.

Can’t wait for the new day to be born

to view new birth for which I yearned.

Delights daily fill my senses – sight, touch, smell - but even more so

God-given joy fills my heart to watch vegetation bloom and grow.

Find satisfaction in his work.

Ecclesiastes 2:24

Find satisfaction in all his toil -

this is the gift of God

Ecclesiastes 3:13

There is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work.

Ecclesiastes 3:22

To be happy in his work – this is a gift of God.

Ecclesiastes 5:19

Joy will accompany him in his work

all the days of the life

God has given him under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 8:15

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Monday, March 4, 2024

March 4, 2024

Like the crocus,

it will burst into bloom;

it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.

Isaiah 35:2

Happy, happy.  Joy, joy.  Bees and crocus herald in the most welcome season - spring!

Autumn Crocus

A friend mentioned planting peas today.  Inspired me to plant spinach and lettuces this afternoon.

Romaine and leaf lettuce.  First year I used seed tape. 

As rains forecasted Wednesday, expect to see seedlings within the week. 

He will send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground
and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful.
Isaiah 30:23

As rain and snow come down from heaven,

and do not return to it without watering the earth

and making it bud and flourish,

so that it yields seed for the sower

and bread for the eater...

Isaiah 55:10

As the soil makes the sprout come up

and a garden causes seeds to grow,

so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise

spring up before all nations.

Isaiah 61:11

Were you able to plant today or plan on planting soon?