Life is a Garden Party

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31st

Can you believe it's the last day of August already?

August 31st

Gray squirrels are busy today
squirreling black walnuts away
or maybe hickory nuts burying.
Several seen this morning scurrying.
Their checks are full.
Their tails curl
as they find a spot
in my little lot.

They're providing winter's dinner.
There's no charge at this diner.
They are watching me watch them
as this little rhyme is penned.
Other garden guests catch my eye
as I sit under the blue sky.
Each one of these creatures are busy
in their various activities.

A hummingbird sips from the butterfly bush
then off he goes seemingly in a big rush
when he hears the cawing blue jays
who's come to feast on seeds today
from sunflowers ripening under the sun.
They'll eat their full before this day is over and done
then returns tomorrow
for he does not borrow.

The yellow finches have already found the stash
of ripening sunflower seeds out back.
They are greedily eating lunch
while on the ground falls a bunch
ensuring next year more sunflowers will appear
and perhaps enticing furry rodents near -
that is, chipmunks and such.
Hopefully not mice – yuk!

A hummingbird returns with a zip
where from the trumpet vine he sips
but not for long.
Off he long.
In the sedum, a bee
as busy as can be.
Autumn Joy Sedum smells like honey.
Through a miracle, bees make honey.

If you listen closely you might hear the bees hum
though today their hum is drowned out by the crickets strum
for late summer crickets practice day and night.
It's as if they know autumn is in sight.
Autumn means the hummingbirds will fly south,
along with V-shaped formations headed south
for when you hear honking in the sky
it's the geese honking their yearly bye bye.

The hummingbirds,
the smallest of birds,
travel alone
on their way home
while large geese need each other
to migrate southward together
as they soar with the wind
beneath their flapping wings.

Brown-eyed susans shine
even without sunshine
for gray clouds are moving in.
Leaves are rustling in the wind.
A leaf tumbles down
now laying on the ground.
Though August 31st, it feels like autumn.
Soon buzzing bees will no longer hum.

Raindrops descend.
It's time to head in.
from my Eden
has penned another rhyme
in today's sunshine.
Tomorrow there will be more
observations to store.

* * * * *

Love the inherent wisdom found in nature.
Do take time to watch as creatures nurture.
Nature does have much to teach us.
Yes, it even teaches us to trust.

Harmony is found in one's garden
as the gardener faithfully tends.
Not only nature's musicality
but also compatibility and unity.

Compatibility and unity is seen
in the bird kingdom's domain
as geese flock together
whatever the weather.

Trees provide nuts
for squirrels and chipmunks.
And various seeds are found
by hungry birds the world around.

Many birds seen dine
in today's sunshine.
Their lesson: "Do not worry," it only brings trouble.
A command often repeated in the Bible.

Industrious is another lesson that is key
as gardeners observe busy honey bees.
Off to work they go,
humming as they go.

Do take time from your busy day
to observe how God provides today
for your garden visitors.
You'll be pleasingly blessed, for sure.

Do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink;
or about your body,
what you will wear...
Look at the birds of the air;
they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:25-26

To order Life Is a Garden Party, Vol II
go to WestBow Press, Amazon or B&N.

To order Life Is a Garden Party, Vol I
go to Amazon or B&N.

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