Life is a Garden Party

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

John 1:40-50

The way this passage is worded, I'm seeing Andrew running to find his only brother Simon to tell him that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ! V41 says Andrew found his brother and told him first.  Andrew was soooo excited he was bursting at the seams to tell someone and the first someone was his brother.  Sounds like they had a close relationship.  Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus.

When Jesus looked at Simon he changed his name to Peter.  Peter means rock.  When you read the gospels about Peter you learn that he was impulsive and unstable.  YET, Jesus named him for what he would become!  (Jesus also sees what you are becoming as you seek and grow in Christlikeness.)  Peter was the one who hung around in the background at the cruxificion, even denying he knew Jesus 3 times. Peter is also the one that Jesus told "I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail..." Luke 22:32.  YET, Peter was also the one who wrote the books of I and II Peter.  Books that would give testimony to the relationship he had with Jesus Christ.  (I'm seeing YET as a U-turn, a transformation.) The end of Luke 22:32 says "And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."  Jesus words came true.  Jesus saw what Peter would become, just as Jesus sees what you are becoming.

The next day after meeting Peter, Jesus said to Philip, "Follow me."  Philip then found Nathanael and told him about "The One" written about in the Law and by the prophets.  I'm thinking Philip didn't accidentally find Nathanael but searched for him.  Perhaps knowing where Nathanael would be Philip ran to find him.  He couldn't keep the 'good news' to himself.  "The One" Philip was talking about is Jesus. Philip then encouraged Nathanael to come see for himself.  

When Nathanael saw Jesus he asked "How do you know me?" Jesus answered, "I saw you ...under the fig tree before Philip called you." NIV study Bible says the fig tree's shade was a favorite place for study and prayer. Jesus saw Nathanael.  Jesus sees you too.  He sees your heart.  He sees your willingness.  He sees your growth.  He sees what you are becoming.  (Just like Hagar in Genesis who said, "You are the God who sees me.")  Then Nathanael believed Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel.  Note, when Simon met Jesus v42 says Jesus "looked at" Simon, who was renamed Peter.  Jesus saw Peter also.  He saw his heart.  

Did you notice Andrew's and Philip's reaction when they realized who The Messiah or The One was?  Sounds like they ran to tell their brother or their best friend.  They couldn't keep the good news to themselves.  

Does picturing the excitement of finally realizing the actuality that Messiah had finally arrived on earth, or picturing two grown men running to tell, to share, or the love poured out by The Messiah when he looked/he saw the hearts of Peter and Nathanael prompt you to tell someone?

Who is on our mind to tell about Jesus? 

Tomorrow may be too late.

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