Life is a Garden Party

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weed Seeds

Blowing in the wind
are unwanted weed seeds.
Not seen in the din
but still there, indeed.

Across property lines
and even state's lines.
Multiplying each year
from the green grass appears.

Not wanted
or needed,
where sighted.

Making toil
in the soil
for the gardener -
a nuisance, a bother.

Perhaps the most famous,
though not mysterious,
comes in with the wind
at the end of spring.

are seen lying
in fields and yards.
Making work hard.

Other weeds appear
throughout the year
but none are as yellow
as this handsome fellow.

* * * * *

Our words and actions
are like those weed seeds
blowing in the wind.
A thought to heed -
for words never die,
in thoughts they always lie.

We don't know where our words will end.
Words either chase away or make friends.
Words have the power to heal
but also power to steal
your peace of heart and mind
when not thoughtful or kind.

Words offer encouragement
or can bring disagreement.
Words rather loud or soft,
spoken little or oft,
have cause and effect
and lifetimes affect.

We are known for the words we speak -
loud or soft - each day of the week.
Be known as an encourager when you speak
by letting your words be gentle and sweet.
Others will know when they meet
rather to go or to greet.

Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord,
keep watch over the door of my lips.
Psalm 141:3

If anyone considers himself religious
and does not keep a tight rein on his tongue,
he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
James 1:26

1 comment:

  1. As Christians, we are to set the example of the manner of the way we speak and use our words to be a encouragement ad a guide to others, so they may see Jesus in us. Sometimes, we are the only example that people see. However, I find myself letting my thought wonder into the devil's garden of weeds and sometimes I need to guard my mouth, not against foul language, but against being to bold and opinionated. I will always stand up for my Savior, but our lives need to portray what we say, as well. I try to do this each morning in giving my day to GOD daily. Some days run sooth and others the devil roars and I have to be reminded whose child I am. We can grow beautiful flowers or we can grow weeds an I want to smell sweet and to have a good attitude and I pray that others see Jesus in me and that I am a beam of light for him in away that I never hinder anyone from knowing HIM....Nita
