Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, June 24, 2017

At Rainbow's End 6/24/17

Go out to harvest the lettuce and spinach every other morning.  What an exciting surprise this morning.  Three cats on this dill!!!  Ran around to the other 100+ dill and also checked the milkweed but no other cats were seen today.  My friend, Laura Harris, identified these as Black Eastern Swallowtail cats.  (They are not attracted to milkweed.)

I had seen a black swallowtail with blue tails yesterday.  By the time I went to get the camera, I couldn't locate it.  Wondering if it might have been the parent.

Watched these cats throughout the day.  They are masters at gymnastics!  Seemed like they would chow down then rest awhile.  The last I looked the dill weed on this plant was completely gone.

Showed off my welcome garden guests to company.  They were excited too!

Be sure to watch the video above.  Check out their feet in the first pic.  Wouldn't it be neat if someone designed sneakers to look like cats.  An entertaining day, for sure!

Update:  they were chowing down another dill plant this morning.  See photo on my Life Is a Garden Party facebook page.  Bent over another dill plant for easy access.

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