Life is a Garden Party

Friday, April 9, 2021



Spring Cleaning

Though still a chill in the air,

today is sunny and fair.

It's time for spring cleaning,

a gleaning - not a gleaming,

not inside

but outside.

Ornamental grasses are cut down.

Some strands will form a new bird nest round

as birds are seen flirt this afternoon.

Others are heard singing a happy tune.

Songs make the most mundane chores

seem like fun, instead of a bore.

Entertained by their verse,

compost is dispersed.

Several wheelbarrow loads

are worked into the raised bed loam

where summer vegetables will grow

in rows marked out by the hoe.

Raking needs to be done

this afternoon under the sun.

A welcome surprise

under dead leaves lie.

Though absent of perfume,

there's pink hellebores in bloom!

Serenaded by papa cardinal

this afternoon, his distinctive call

causes one to look for him.

There up high on a limb.

For sure his bright red feathers

brings cheer whatever the weather.

The wheelbarrow filled with dead leaves are added to the pile

of cut ornamental grasses to decompose after a while.

Now to add some greens

from weeds to this bin.

All organic matter will work its magic

and two years later dispersed by the shovel's flick.

After a week of rain

weeds, though always a pain,

pull out easily, a good thing,

as much needed spring cleaning


under skies of blue.

A chill is being felt as the breeze

rearranges last fall's leaves.

Time to head inside

though much more work outside

waits to be done

when tomorrow comes.

It will take several afternoons

of spring cleaning as daffodils bloom,

forsythia mimics the sunshine,

bees in tulips and alliums dine,

newborns learn to sing a chorus of me-me-me

while I weed out the flower beds down on my knees.

In a few short weeks the grass will need to be mowed,

dandelions sowed by last year's wind will grow,

a trip to buy annuals to be planted,

the vegetable garden will be plowed then planted...

though outside work seems more fun,

spring cleaning is never done.

* * * * *

We can hardly wait for the long winter to be past

and to welcome the anticipated spring at last!

The barren land bursts into bloom

scenting the air with spring's perfume

as the greening grass daily grows

making more work to do, you know.

But what a joy to watch the miracle of spring!

Every day take time to look for there'll be something

that will thrill -

perhaps a trill

from visiting robin redbreast

when she takes a moment to rest.

Fat buds on the daffodils burst into little sunshines.

After a few warm days, spring flowering trees bloom so fine.

There seems to be more smiles

and fewer things that rile.

Perhaps this palette of spring colors

causes one to focus less on troubles.

Spring - when earth is renewed,

as one's spirits renew

when delight is revived

and one's hope is alive.

Do allow spring

to cause your heart to sing.

The desert and the parched land will be glad;

the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Like the crocus,

it will burst into bloom;

it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.

Isaiah 35:1-2

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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