Life is a Garden Party

Thursday, April 28, 2022




Oh what a beautiful morning,

Oh what a beautiful day...

everyone’s waking up singing –

the robins, sparrows, and blue jays,

the mourning doves, red-winged blackbirds,

cardinals, chickadees, cowbirds -

all chirp to their heart’s content,

their chorus heavenward sent.

Swallows, finches, and wrens

also have a song to send.

Warblers and nut hatchers,

thrushes and thrashers

vocalize proudly.

Crows chime in loudly.

Rather red, blue, black or brown

everyone joins ‘round.

Canadian geese overhead

honking, northward bound, early heard

add to the morning chorus

sounding like a loud ruckus -

for when you try to catch a few more winks

the glee club is heard practicing hijinks

announcing “I’m back”…

the long winter is past.

* * * * *

Aren’t we glad the winter is past,

to hear the birds singing - at last!

Birds announce spring is here

for each low coo coo you hear

or every loud caw caw caw

is a reminder to all

that spring has finally sprung.

With it new hope also comes.

Hope is a confidence,

a promised assurance,

that God does have a solution

to all of our earthly problems.

So when life seems upside down,

instead of wearing a frown,

be assured that the One you hope in

has all the answers to strife within.

Sometimes hope seems lost

when life seems like dross

but the hardships of life,

sometimes bringing much strife,

teach valuable lessons to us –

growing our faith and teaching us to trust.

Spring brings hope of a brighter tomorrow

promising more joys and fewer sorrows.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for

and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Hope does not disappoint us,

because God has poured out his love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:5

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Friday, April 22, 2022




Moving compost one spring day,

I realized helpers had come to play.

Working under the sun's rays

in the month of May,

I was thankful the compost didn't contain heavy clay

for clay soil would add up to heavy pounds when weighed.

In fact, the compost was nicely aerated that day,

this gardener's "black gold" colored a brown/gray.

Sunny days

like today

had further decayed

vegetation and hay.

I was happy to see these helpers at play.

Hopefully they regard their work as play.

I know children playing in sandboxes would say

playing in dirt is not work at all, but play.

In your mind's eye, can you see them at play

molding and sifting sand the afternoon away.

Overhead I heard blue jays

caw cawing away.

Encouragement to keep moving compost that day,

though after half an hour it no longer felt like play.

But I continued under the sun's morning rays

with my favorite toy, the wheelbarrow, with which I play.

I was so encouraged to see my helpers that day,

now named Trojan bulldozers, a rusty brown, not gray.

They work quietly underground, without wage or pay

giving me yet another reason to be thankful today.

Sometimes after rain you'll see them on the ground lay

or you might smell them when you go out to play.

Who works quietly day and night without pay?

Who is it that wears rusty brown, not gray?

Who are these Trojan bulldozers which underground lay?

That's my pet name for the lowly earthworms at play

who live down underneath compost decayed

making fertile castings for my gardens each May.

(A google search identified “crawlers” not bulldozers.

That’s exactly what my earthworm helpers are – crawlers.

In fact, my Grandfather Janowski had a John Deere crawler

that I operated in grade school as I was the oldest daughter.)

* * * * *

These Trojan bulldozers (crawlers)

are my garden helpers.

There's also a parable

that speaks of a benefactor.

Remember the Good Samaritan parable?

The one who was willing to help despite obstacles?

In fact, the Bible says the Good Samaritan took pity on him.

Another word for pity is sympathy or compassion.

Those who help, show compassion:

in word, and in deed, or action.

Let these examples from the Bible inspire you

to help others in whatever they're going through.

Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,

but only what is helpful for building others up

according to their needs,

that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29

...who was always doing good and helping the poor.

Act 9:36

In everything I did,

I showed you that by this kind of hard work

we must help the weak,

remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said:

'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

Acts 20:35

In the church God has appointed...those able to help others...

I Corinthians 12:28

I know your eagerness to help,

and I have been boasting about it...were ready to give;

and your enthusiasm has stirred most of them to action.

II Corinthians 9:2

Is well known for her good deeds,

such as...showing hospitality,

helping those in trouble

and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.

I Timothy 5:10

If one falls down, his friend can help him up.

Ecclesiastes 4:10

Be sure to read this verse from Deuteronomy.

Maybe even commit it to memory.

Every time you look up in the clouds

remember to thank God out loud...

for being there to help you through,

for each day brings troubles anew,

meant to teach us to have faith and trust

in God who knows what's best for us.

There is no one like the God of Israel

who rides on the heavens to help you

and on the clouds in his majesty.

The eternal God is your refuge,

and underneath are the everlasting arms.

Deuteronomy 33:26-27

The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth

to strengthen/help those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

II Chronicles 16:9

Who would have thought to correlate lowly earthworms

and the Good Samaritan parable into one

cohesive thought process about being helpers?

How has God gifted you to be a helper?

Did you have opportunity to edify someone today

or sent a note of encouragement in the mail, say?

Perhaps you were able to share,

for giving shows you care.

And at the end of the day

when you take a minute to pray,

do thank God for helping you

throughout the whole day through.

Didn't have a photo of an earthworm,

but did have one of a bluejay.  

Story from Life Is a Garden Party, Vol IV,

available via Amazon.

Saturday, April 16, 2022



When spring comes

grass greens among

the growing perennials and bulbs,

the spring flowering trees and shrubs.

It’s like there’s a race

in the yard at my place

to see what will grow fastest,

what will become tallest.

Will it be the weedy grass

or the blooming flowers that

win this race

post haste?

There’s flowering tree’s pretty array

above spring bulb’s blooming bouquet,

alongside grass covering like a rug.

You might even see a buzzing bee, but don’t hug!

Will flowers supersede

or the grass filling in with weeds

as the cool spring rains come down

refreshing what’s growing on the ground.

To look out the window

at the flowering rainbow

the scene is tranquil

with daffodils and jonquils.

Soon tulips will dot the scene

adding to the serene.

You wouldn’t know a race is on

as there appears to be a calm.

Bouquets are picked,

lawnmowers fixed.

Soon gardening homeowners will weekly race

against dandelions growing at their place.

Though it seems the grass has won this race,

it’s the flowers that gardeners embrace;

but after the grass is mowed and trimmed,

gardeners sit to enjoy their undertakings.

On your mark:

it’s time to start

as gardeners are in a race

to keep up at their place.

* * * * *

Spring brings with it renewal,

a time of renewed hope for all,

and also a rainbow of flowers which please

from fall-planted bulbs and flowering trees.

Spring brings with it more to do

as each year there is much ado.

The race is on each spring

becoming quite dizzying.

Another race we are involved in

is the race to share our faith often

so others will know

the God we know.

Tomorrow may be too late.

Make it a point this date

to share your hope

with other folks.

He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors...

II Corinthians 5:19-20

Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Colossians 1:27

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Hebrews 6:19

May the God of hope

fill you with all joy and peace

as you trust in him,

so that you may overflow with hope

by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Life Is a Garden Party
is available via Amazon.

Friday, April 8, 2022



Spring Cleaning

Although still a chill in the air,

today is sunny and fair.

It's time for spring cleaning,

a gleaning - not a gleaming,

not inside

but outside.

Ornamental grasses are cut down.

Some strands will form a new bird nest round

as birds are seen flirt this afternoon.

Others are heard singing a happy tune.

Songs make the most mundane chores

seem like fun, instead of a bore.

Entertained by their verse,

compost is dispersed.

Several wheelbarrow loads

are worked into the raised bed loam

where summer vegetables will grow

in rows marked out by the hoe.

Raking needs to be done

this afternoon under the sun.

A welcome surprise

under dead leaves lie.

Although absent of perfume,

there's pink hellebores in bloom!

Serenaded by papa cardinal

this afternoon, his distinctive call

causes one to look for him.

There up high on a limb.

For sure his bright red feathers

brings cheer whatever the weather.

The wheelbarrow filled with dead leaves are added to the pile

of cut ornamental grasses to decompose after a while.

Now to add some greens

of weeds to this bin.

All organic matter will work its magic

and 2 years later dispersed by the shovel's flick.

After a week of rain

weeds, though always a pain,

pull out easily, a good thing,

as much needed spring cleaning


under skies of blue.

A chill is being felt as the breeze

rearranges last fall's leaves.

Time to head inside

although much more work outside

waits to be done

when tomorrow comes.

It will take several afternoons

of spring cleaning as daffodils bloom,

forsythia mimics the sunshine,

bees in tulips and alliums dine,

newborns learn to sing a chorus of me-me-me

while I weed out the flower beds down on my knees.

In a few short weeks the grass will need to be mowed,

dandelions sowed by last year's wind will grow,

a trip to buy annuals to be planted,

the vegetable garden will be plowed then planted...

although outside work seems more fun,

spring cleaning is never done.

* * * * *

We can hardly wait for the long winter to be past

and to welcome the anticipated spring at last!

The barren land bursts into bloom

scenting the air with spring's perfume

as the greening grass daily grows

making more work to do, you know.

But what a joy to watch the miracle of spring!

Every day take time to look for there'll be something

that will thrill -

perhaps a trill

from visiting robin redbreast

when she takes a moment to rest.

Fat buds on the daffodils burst into little sunshines.

After a few warm days, spring flowering trees bloom so fine.

There seems to be more smiles

and fewer things that rile.

Perhaps this palette of spring colors

causes one to focus less on troubles.

Spring - when earth is renewed,

as one's spirits renew

when delight is revived

and one's hope is alive.

Do allow spring

to cause your heart to sing.

The desert and the parched land will be glad;

the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Like the crocus,

it will burst into bloom;

it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.

Isaiah 35:1-2

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Saw this image on facebook just now and was reminded of a poem I wrote.  

I learned about this concept from a Japanese friend.


Intending to share sunflower seeds,

sunflower heads are cut to dry.

Each head is filled with hundreds of seeds

so friends will not need to buy.

But yesterday's procrastination on my part

has provided this morning's entertainment

for garden guests have come in

this sunny morning.

A feast, a banquet, a smorgasbord excites

for those who came this morning to swipe.

They were here before first light

to feast to their heart's delight.

Gray titmice arrive

eating side by side.

Yakking up a storm

this sunny morn.

Mama cardinal with her orange beak

is here for a free breakfast she seeks.

Does she have a nest

where her youngsters rest?

Look there...a chubby squirrel scampers in

causing feathered friends to fly in the wind.

His checks are full

with black seeds stored.

I see two striped chipmunks

peeking out behind the tree trunk.

Quite comical they are as they hustle,

then with each other romp and tussle.

But when the chipmunks see me

they're off as quick as can be

hiding in the drain pipe

now hidden out of sight.

Gray mourning doves and brown sparrows

have eaten fallen seeds down low.

They don't mind dining side by side

though others guests seem to vie...

for little chickadees

I no longer see

when blue jays chased away

these black-capped guests today.

The ground is littered with hulls

from sunflower seeds which fell

after the buffet was consumed.

There's nothing left for this afternoon.

The mourning doves have left.

The blue jays are no longer guests.

The squirrels are taking a snooze.

The chipmunks are gone. Where? No clue.

It's now quiet.

No entertainment.

No feathered friends.

This story ends.

The smorgasbord of creatures have gone

but when I listen I can hear their song

as they entertain someone else

at another banquet where it's help yourself.

* * * * *

This true story really happened one autumn morning

as I had procrastinated the previous evening.

This story reminds me of another story regarding leftovers.

We read it about in the Gospels, between the Bible's covers.

One meaning of leftovers, let's stress,

could mean we are not once, but doubly blessed.

Today we'll focus on what remained, the leftovers,

or the "broken pieces" as referred to in Scripture.

The gospel writers refer to these leftovers as broken pieces.

We all know life is filled with heartaches, some which never ceases.

Our heartache left us with broken pieces or brokenness.

Confused. Hurt. Discredited. Rejected. Damaged. A mess.

Do our heartaches or broken pieces serve a purpose?

For our maturity? Definitely, YES!

It's when we seek God fully.

The God of all comfort – truly!

The Japanese will repair pottery that was broken

with gold, creating a beautiful reminder, that mends.

In the end the object is more valuable.

That's what our brokenness does: we're more valuable.

Our broken pieces have value and worth.

Don't stay in a state of depression, come forth

into the light of God's mercy, grace, and love.

He's here, right now, for you, with a ready hug.

Nothing goes to waste in God's economy.

Not leftovers, not broken pieces, not you or me.

Let God use your brokenness for your good

and for God's glory, as only He could.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish

and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves....

They all ate and were satisfied,

and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces

that were left over.

Matthew 14:19a,20

Taking the five loaves and the two fish

and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks....

they all ate and were satisfied,

and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls

of broken pieces of bread and fish.

Mark 6:41a,42-43

Taking the five loaves and the two fish

and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them....

They all ate and were satisfied,

and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls

of broken pieces that were left over.

Luke 9:16a-17

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks,

and distributed to those who were seated...

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples,

"Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted."

So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets

with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over...

John 6:11a-13

The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.

II Corinthians 1:3b

He knows the way that I take;

when he has tested me,

I will come forth as gold.

Job 23:10

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Friday, April 1, 2022


 From Life Is a Garden Party, Vol IV,

available via Amazon.



The spring scent of daffodils

wafting upward always thrills.

Yellow with their center frill,

or even white, pleases still.

Enjoy today. It will be 11 months until

they bloom again – their scent reminding us of spring, it will.

The spicy aroma of lilacs.

Alluring and liked by most a lot.

You must plant one in your garden plot.

Then water before it gets too hot.

In white, lavender, and purple; pots

are found in the local nursery lot.

The sweet fragrance of pink peonies.

You won’t need to get down on your knees.

Their fragrance is known, you see,

by you and me and buzzing bees.

Pick a pink bouquet and invite me

to come over for a cup of tea.

The perfume of blooming roses

delighting everyone’s noses.

Do they realize their sweet message, suppose,

of saying “I love you” – or so the saying goes.

Think of that tonight as you doze.

You are loved, from your head to your toes.

The heady smell of tomatoes.

A seasoned gardener just knows.

He plants a row

then late summer stows

as into jars go

like new-found "dough."

The essence of pepper plants.

To wait, you do not want.

In salad or in sauce you pant.

To have too many you just can’t.

Red, yellow, green, orange colored transplants.

Mild, hot, hotter flavored. Ahhhhh....rant! Pant!!!

What is that whiff

that I sniff?

It surely reeks.

Someone shrieks!

Not a mink or a skink.

This whiff (p-u) stinks!

Watch out! Skunk!

That punk left a funk.

Ahhhhh Choo!

* * * * *

God made many scents and fragrances for our enjoyment

and He gave us common sense, for our safety meant.

Most garden scents are pleasant becoming an acquaintance

for when you get a whiff you’ll recall a pleasurable fragrance.

Some scents warn us of danger – to beware.

If you’re not aware, a skunk’s scent you will wear.

Common sense also tells us to be aware.

It tells us to make good decisions, to care.

Those without much sense make errors in judgment.

Those with sense are known to be intelligent.

God’s Holy Spirit, which dwells within,

will guide us in making right decisions.

The Holy Spirit is our conscience,

our voice of reasoning that makes sense.

have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Hebrews 5:14 (KJV)

Do not be misled:

"Bad company corrupts good character."

Come back to your senses as you ought,

and stop sinning.

I Corinthians 15:33-34

But thanks be to God,

who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ

and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance

of the knowledge of him.

For we are to God the aroma of Christ

among those who are being saved

and those who are perishing.

II Corinthians 2:14-16

Live a life of love,

just as Christ loved us

and gave himself up for us

as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesians 5:2

A fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice.

Pleasing to God.

Philippians 4:18b

Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise -

the fruit of lips that confess his name.

Hebrews 13:15