Life is a Garden Party

Thursday, June 16, 2022




There goes another cloudburst storm...

heard when rumbling thunder roams

across the distant yonder hills

then a downpour when raindrops spill.

Passing through

the air cools,

then humidity rises

when the sun surprises.

What does the sun illuminate today?

An array of spring flowers - nature’s bouquet.

Pinks and yellows and whites!

What a sensory delight.

Each bloom adds to the bouquet

emitting springtime fragrance today.

Should another thunderstorm pass through

the dormant grass will change its hue,

then robins will search for breakfast

after the spring storm has passed.

In the meantime, pictures are taken

for when another thunderstorm threatens

many springtime blooms will be seen bending down,

while others lose their color, turning brown.

The long-anticipated wait for lovely springtime flowers

is either benefited or forfeited by rain showers.

Enjoy today for seasons, and intermittent rain showers,

quietly give birth to beautiful and fragrant flowers.

* * * * *

Spring storms bring many welcome changes,

though life’s storms bring changes which rearranges.

Yes, life is full of change

so we should not think it strange.

Though change is seldom ever welcomed,

don’t approach change with rebellion.

Think of it as one door closing and another opening,

or endings giving way to necessary new beginnings.

Life’s many surprise storms,

in the form of problems,

will mature us in the end

as they teach us to depend

on God who already has the solution worked out -

to have believing faith and trust, to not give in to doubt.

It's doubt that sees the situation as impossible,

forgetting that with faith in God, all things are possible.

(Believing faith is active faith. It’s confidence/assurance that God is able. 

 One definition of trust is to rely on God.)

So next time the winds of change storm in

remember that God is with you, He's within.

Your storm is not yours alone

but God's time to perfect, to hone.

Change is meant to grow your faith

as you rely on God's grace

and faithfulness

through each test.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers,

whenever you face trials of many kinds,

because you know that the testing of your faith

develops perseverance.

Perseverance must finish its work

so that you may be mature and complete,

not lacking anything.

James 1:2-4

Though now for a little while

you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials,

These have come so that your faith –

of greater worth than gold,

which perishes even though refined by fire -

may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor

when Jesus Christ is revealed.

I Peter 1:6-7

He must believe and not doubt,

because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,

blown and tossed by the wind...

he is a double-minded man and

unstable in all he does.

James 1:6,8

All things are possible with God.

Mark 10:27b

Have you noticed grass is greener after a thunderstorm, or that plants seem happier afterwards. There is a scientific reason for that, though we know the reason was planned by the Creator, the Master Gardener.

According to Google the reason is:

When it rains, the rain forces the nitrogen to the ground. Microorganisms then take over, converting the nitrogen in the soil and makes grass green. During a thunderstorm, a bolt of lightning can instantly create nitrogen oxide (which is the key ingredient in fertilizers). ... Lightning is Mother Nature's fertilizer!” (copied)

One early morning in March there was a thunderstorm. I noticed that afternoon that the spring bulbs peeking out were much taller than the day before. Nitrogen creates growth.

Come June it is my practice to put cut, green, organic (non-pesticided) grass – an excellent source of “free” nitrogen - around my vegetable seedlings. These young plants truly benefit from this free nitrogen. It’s normal to run out of room for my feet in the vegetable garden. Yes, partly because of my poor estimation re spacing, but the boost of nitrogen has a large part. If you try this free idea, be sure the grass is non-pesticided.

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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