Life is a Garden Party

Friday, September 23, 2022


According to the calendar, fall has officially begun, and the temperature attests to that!


Where did the summer go?

Each year it goes faster, we know.

There was grass to mow

every week or so,

but now the grass is crisp under my toes

for the hot, dry summer took its tow.

There were vegetables to stow

that were once planted in rows,

but now those productive rows

are brown like unwanted moles.

Oh no! -

more foes:

beetles are foes

and slugs down low.

Other unwelcome foe

were tawny-brown bucks and does -

deer and rabbits that mow

what grows up high and down low.

Water from the sprinkler flowed

as the temps reached 90 degrees or so.

On those days some gardeners sew

instead of weed out weeds that grow.

On cooler days gardeners might make dough

to fill with the fruits of their labor that grow.

Maybe fruit pizza dough

or fresh pasta dough.

Perhaps blueberry muffin dough

or just harvested fruit to fill pie dough.

Beware: juice from fruit pies overflow

and might make a messy oven, oh no!

Other days the gardener works with the hoe

to nab each and every weed that might dare grow

down by one’s toes

where weed seeds grow.

Due to humidity weeds seem to grow

faster than everything else that grows.

There goes Joe

with the hoe.

Despite heat, weeds, and foes

my basket overflows

with vegetables that grow

and flower seeds to stow.

Today I scared out a hoppy toad near my toe.

I’m thankful it wasn’t a mole or a vole.

Hoppy toads will eat their status quo

of insects that reside down low.

It’s time to compost some rows

where vegetables did once grow

and deadhead flowers that once glowed

in red, pink, yellow, purple, or gold.

Summer is nearly over, to my woe.

At my house the summer heat took its tow.

I never did make any pie dough.

Neither did I find much time to sew.

Where did the summer go?

It went too fast, I know.

* * * * *

How fast time goes!

Not at all slow.

The trees are already turning gold.

Winter vegetables are ready to stow.

We’ll be raking leaves down low.

Or make pumpkin pie to fill dough.

In a few short weeks – snow!

And cold winds will blow.

Then gifts wrapped up in pretty bows

under a Christmas tree that glows.

Then off to the shopping mall we go

to buy a new calendar, you know.

Yes, time goes -

fast, not slow.

Each year we grow,

the faster time goes.

To everything there is a season.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There will be a time for every activity,

a time for every deed.

Ecclesiastes 3:17

There is a proper time and procedure for every matter.

Ecclesiastes 8:6

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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