Life is a Garden Party

Friday, June 28, 2024




I have a dream...

under the sunbeams

that my garden might convey

an imitation of Monet.

I have a dream...

that no weeds will preen

in my yard

if I work hard.

I have a dream...

the sun and rain will team

beautifully together

making perfect weather.

I have a dream...

that I’ll become lean

doing yard work

in my little nook.

I have a dream...

that insects mean

will disappear

forever from here.

I have a dream...

that the inside will itself clean

when I’m outside landscaping -

which I prefer to be doing.

I have a dream...

not yet seen

that I’ll find the rainbow’s end

pot of real gold in my garden.

I have a dream...

that a scene

worthy of a magazine

in my yard will be seen.

I have a dream...

that my Eden

will one year soon be finished

so I can relax and sit in it.

I have a dream...

unrequited, it seems -

for these dreams haven’t come true.

Is it that way for you too?

* * * * *

What is your innermost dream?

However impossible it seems

remember with God on your team

it can come true, so dream.

As long as your dream brings glory to God

never give up, though sometimes it seems hard,

for you’ll find often satan will set a snare,

aiming for a flag of surrender, a cross to bear.

Don’t give up. God has a better plan in mind

that will supersede what satan has in mind.

Ask God for His strength to remain steadfast

as you work toward your dreams coming to pass.

Do use your God-given gift for His glory

as you continue to write His-story

so that generations after you

will continue to give God glory too.

Do not be afraid, Daniel.

Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding

and to humble yourself before your God,

your words were heard,

and I have come in response to them.

But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me 21 days.

Then Michael, one of the chief princes,

came to help me...

Do not be afraid, O man highly esteemed, he said.

Peace! Be strong now; be strong.

When he spoke to me, I was strengthened...

Daniel 10:12-13, 19

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us...

prophesy, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing, leading...

Romans 12:6-8

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, 

faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.

If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.

If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, 

so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.

To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

I Peter 4:10-11

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Rainbow's End Tour 6/21/24

Heat and humidity has been beneficial this week.

Currant bushes were full this year.  Will be enough to make one recipe of jelly, requiring 18 cups.  The new recipe calls for 20 cups, but I will continue using 18 cups, making 6 1/2 cups juice.  I also add 6 1/2 cups sugar vs the recommended 7 cups.

Special to me as planted here by my grandparents about 40 years ago.
My ruby red jewels.

Cauliflower and cabbage loving the heat and humidity.

Strawberries still producing.  Slugs appreciate.  Yuck.

Black cups (black raspberries) starting to ripen.
From my grandparents.

An abundance of rose campion self seeded this year.  

Could be considered invasive.

P.S.  I've found a free large mirror too hang outside along the side of the road.

Waiting to be installed.  Was waiting for the wren family to fledge.

Now waiting for it to cool down.

Mini rose becoming invasive.  A trellis would be nice as too large for tomato cage.

Golden, world is turning golden...

These weeds are some of my favorite flowers:

Wild daisies


First year for oakleaf hydrangea to bloom.
Gift from facebook friend.

My grandmother shared sweet peas many years ago.
When you plant, plant in a permanent location as difficult to relocate.

Love-in-a-mist.  Blossoms and seed pods.  Both unique.
Mom found seeds at a rummage many years ago.

This half of the iris/daylily garden is quite "wild."  Perhaps a riot.

This hydrangea was named Annabelle.  Obviously not.
Fragrant.  Bees love it.

Annabelle Hydrangea forming heads.

Ladies Mantel flowers.

Have loved ditch lilies since a kid.
Grows in ditches.
And love the light within!
Dusty miller from mom in the background.
Makes a lovely backdrop.

Two campanellas:  Cherry Bells and Korean Bells (invasive)

Day lilies beginning to bloom.

This one is named Spiderman:

Datura (blooms at dusk) - like watching a miracle:

Smoke bush:

Bee in comfry.  Gift.

Most blooms are "faded glory" but this cluster was under foliage.

Two different ligularias on either side of loosestrife:

Foxglove popped up behind compost.
See another one in potato patch.
I do start out with an organized plan but soon becomes a riot.

Calla lily wintered over in basement in this zone.  (Gift)

Retired almost 40-year-old wheelbarrow this season. 
Holey, which decayed wooden undercarriage.  
Ended up planting 3 wave petunias as seeds did not germinate.
Bucket a gift from my Gram, also warn out.
Spading forks tines keep bending in this creek bed sod.
The wooden triangle was left here by tree service last week.
How a souvenier from pine tree.

For the earth, which drinketh in the rain,
that falleth often upon it,
and bringing forth herbs fit for him
by whom it is tilled,
receiveth blessings from God.
Hebrews 6:7

Thursday, June 20, 2024




Swaying in the breeze

just waiting to tease

a field of dreams awaits

pronouncing someone's fate.

Snow white, always innocent,

without a flowery fragrance,

every summer a field of dreams

decorates hills and meadow scenes.

According to tradition

while applying subtraction

one-by-one each plucked petal

seals the fate of earthly mortals.

Have you ever played this game?

A game of innocence, not vain.

He loves me, he loves me not.

Of course he does, how could he not!

Daisy happens to mean innocence.

This game is played by many a lass

while all over the world innocent lads

don't know if they should be mad or quite glad.

* * * * *

Never doubt that the Lord God loves you

for the Bible tells us through and through.

Not because of what you did or didn't do,

but because of who God is, yes, it's true.

Unconditional love

from heaven above

always freely given to His children,

though beyond our human comprehension.

For this reason I kneel before the Father,

from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power

through his Spirit in your inner being,

so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,

may have power, together with all the saints,

to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -

that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:14-19

God has poured out his love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:5b

God demonstrates his own love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Neither death nor life,

neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future,

nor any powers,

neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation

will be able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,

that we should be called children of God!

And that is what we are!

I John 3:1

This is how we know what love is:

Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

I John 3:16

This is love: he loved us and sent his Son

as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

I John 4:10

We know and rely on the love God has for us.

I John 4:16

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

Friday, June 14, 2024




Gardeners canvas gardening catalogs,

each winter, while dreaming of landscaping their yard.

They search for tall and short

to plant each year in the dirt.

Or they might start with a blank slate, a canvas if you will,

when they map out a plot, then ensure the sod is tilled,

before they start to plant

what makes their heart pant.

This soil, filled with earthworms brown,

hopefully no white grubs found,

should be mixed with rich organic matter

as fertile soil grows everything better.

Experienced gardeners canvas for

decayed leaves and aged grass that is yearly stored

in a backyard compost pile

for organic matter adds style.

After this compost is added in

the gardener is ready to begin.

What will fill this blank canvas?

The selections are vast.

Come winter, gardening catalogs arrive weekly.

A pile will amass as sometimes they arrive daily.

There's an abundance from which to choose

but a prudent gardener looks for clues.

Checking out the zone is one important clue.

Determining sun or shade is another clue.

If these particular clues are not adhered too

your investment will not enhance your avenue.

What will the gardener choose for this new canvas?

It is a most pleasant and rewarding task!

Perennials, annuals, shrubs, or trees.

Beware, some might cause you to sneeze.

Although the gardener may not use a brush dipped in paint

to create their live canvas, they often paint

with a rainbow of colors

seen in garden flowers.

When a gardener paints a canvas

he or she is having a blast

that for one's lifetime will last

bringing delighted smiles and laughs.

Are you ready to begin?

You don't have to wait for spring.

Start canvassing those gardening catalogs today.

A little planning will result in a sensational array.

(And you'll find, gardening catalogs chase winter blues away.)

* * * * *

One benefit of gardening

is you'll soon be befriending

for plants quickly multiply

attracting passersby

which fortunately means

you will divide multiples seen.

Gardening teaches multiplication and division

as well as addition and subtraction and even fractions.

No one tells you this when you begin

but gardening is certainly a win/win

as long-time gardeners share what multiplies.

In my case, an opportunity to organize.

There's no one friendlier

than a gardener

for gardeners always have lots to share

whether plants or vegetables that bare

and multiply each year.

Yes, friends of gardeners cheer.

Those who plan what is good

find love and faithfulness.

Proverbs 14:22

A friend loves at all times.

Proverbs 17:17

Do good, be rich in good deeds,

be generous and willing to share.

I Timothy 6:18

Do not forget to do good

and to share with others.

Hebrews 13:16

When the plowman plows and the thresher threshes,

they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest.

I Corinthians 9:10

The rose campion and foxglove in this photo 
were hand-me-downs from sisters, Lesley and Gloria.

This mirror was free at a neighborhood rummage.

I've named my half acre Rainbow's End 
due to the abundance of colorful flowers. 

Life Is a Garden Party
is available at Amazon.

Friday, June 7, 2024



Day is Done

As day fades into twilight

the afterglow of the sun's light

is sprinkled like gold reflecting dust

illuminating all it does touch

when day composes its last refrains

reflected in ripening grain,

mirrored in far away oceans and seas,

lakes and rivers as far as one can see.

This gilded afterglow

casts a radiant glow

on everything below

as it ebbs and flows

casting a golden hue

making everything look new

for a minute in time

then quickly lost in time.

This fading glow of gold

is a sight to behold

as the sky reflects

a masterpiece perfect

in waves of golden rosy pinks

although quickly gone in a blink

as day is done, gone

when twilight comes.

This golden shimmer

highlights and glimmers

all it touches

although never captured.

It's illusive, except for a moment,

when your eyes behold this heavenly event -

somewhat sacred, always awesome -

with each replay always welcome.

Yet each replay is always different,

never copied, always unique, distinct

from the sunset the day before

as this golden glimmer pours

over the firmament

when the close of the day is met -

a benediction

in the making.

This gold,

not sold,

is often attempted

to be recreated

by artists

and poets

although a far cry from perfect

although sunsets are always perfect.

* * * * *

Do take time to watch the sunset cast its spell

in the sky above then over hill and dell.

You'll be awed by the Creator's inspirational masterpiece

and will experience a reverent contentment, a perfect peace,

as day turns into night

with a sigh of delight.

Another gift from the Master's paintbrush

because He loves us so very much.

God called the light “day,”

and the darkness he called “night.”

Genesis 1:5

The Lord blesses his people with peace.

Psalm 29:11

May God himself, the God of peace,

sanctify you through and through.

May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless

at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

I Thessalonians 5:23-24

May the God of peace...

equip you with everything good

for doing his will,

and may he work in us

what is pleasing to him,

through Jesus Christ,

to whom be glory for ever and ever.

Hebrews 13:20

For the Lord God is a sun and shield;

the Lord bestows favor and honor;

no good thing does he withhold

from those whose walk is blameless.

O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Psalm 84:11-12

This is the day the Lord has made;

let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

The righteous will shine like the sun

in the kingdom of their Father.

Matthew 13:43

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.