Life is a Garden Party

Friday, June 14, 2024




Gardeners canvas gardening catalogs,

each winter, while dreaming of landscaping their yard.

They search for tall and short

to plant each year in the dirt.

Or they might start with a blank slate, a canvas if you will,

when they map out a plot, then ensure the sod is tilled,

before they start to plant

what makes their heart pant.

This soil, filled with earthworms brown,

hopefully no white grubs found,

should be mixed with rich organic matter

as fertile soil grows everything better.

Experienced gardeners canvas for

decayed leaves and aged grass that is yearly stored

in a backyard compost pile

for organic matter adds style.

After this compost is added in

the gardener is ready to begin.

What will fill this blank canvas?

The selections are vast.

Come winter, gardening catalogs arrive weekly.

A pile will amass as sometimes they arrive daily.

There's an abundance from which to choose

but a prudent gardener looks for clues.

Checking out the zone is one important clue.

Determining sun or shade is another clue.

If these particular clues are not adhered too

your investment will not enhance your avenue.

What will the gardener choose for this new canvas?

It is a most pleasant and rewarding task!

Perennials, annuals, shrubs, or trees.

Beware, some might cause you to sneeze.

Although the gardener may not use a brush dipped in paint

to create their live canvas, they often paint

with a rainbow of colors

seen in garden flowers.

When a gardener paints a canvas

he or she is having a blast

that for one's lifetime will last

bringing delighted smiles and laughs.

Are you ready to begin?

You don't have to wait for spring.

Start canvassing those gardening catalogs today.

A little planning will result in a sensational array.

(And you'll find, gardening catalogs chase winter blues away.)

* * * * *

One benefit of gardening

is you'll soon be befriending

for plants quickly multiply

attracting passersby

which fortunately means

you will divide multiples seen.

Gardening teaches multiplication and division

as well as addition and subtraction and even fractions.

No one tells you this when you begin

but gardening is certainly a win/win

as long-time gardeners share what multiplies.

In my case, an opportunity to organize.

There's no one friendlier

than a gardener

for gardeners always have lots to share

whether plants or vegetables that bare

and multiply each year.

Yes, friends of gardeners cheer.

Those who plan what is good

find love and faithfulness.

Proverbs 14:22

A friend loves at all times.

Proverbs 17:17

Do good, be rich in good deeds,

be generous and willing to share.

I Timothy 6:18

Do not forget to do good

and to share with others.

Hebrews 13:16

When the plowman plows and the thresher threshes,

they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest.

I Corinthians 9:10

The rose campion and foxglove in this photo 
were hand-me-downs from sisters, Lesley and Gloria.

This mirror was free at a neighborhood rummage.

I've named my half acre Rainbow's End 
due to the abundance of colorful flowers. 

Life Is a Garden Party
is available at Amazon.

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