Life is a Garden Party

Friday, February 14, 2014



The spring fresh scent of daffodils
will our noses fill.
Yellow with their center frill
or even white, pleases still.
Enjoy today for it will be 11 months until
they bloom again - their scent reminding us of spring, it will.

The spicy aroma of lilacs,
alluring and liked by most a lot.
You must plant one in your garden plot
the water before it gets too hot.
In white, lavender, and purple; pots
are found in the local nursery lot.

The sweet fragrance of pink peonies.
You won't need to get down on your knees.
Their fragrance is known, you see,
by you and me and the bees.
Pick a pink bouquet then invite me
to come over for a cup of tea.

The perfume of blooming roses
delighting everyone's noses.
Do they realize their sweet message in prose,
of saying "I love you", or so the saying goes.
Think of that tonight as you doze
next to a vase containing a rose.

The heady smell of tomatoes.
A seasoned gardener just knows.
Each year they hoe a row
then late summer stows.
Perhaps into canning jars goes
tomato sauce for pizza dough.

The essence of pepper plants.
To have too many, you just can't.
To wait, you just do not want.
A salad or a sauce will enhance.
Some are too hot, you pant.
Milk might reduce your rant.

What was that whiff?
It surely reeks!
It's a (p-u) skunk!
And it stunk!!!!

Ahhh Choo!

* * * * *

God made many scents for our enjoyment
as He gave us common sense for discernment.

Most garden scents are pleasant and make lifelong memories
for when you get a whiff you'll recall bygone memories.
Some scents warn us of danger, to beware.
If you're not aware, a skunk's scent you might wear.

Common sense also tells us to be sensible,
to make good decision, to avoid trouble.
Those without much sense make errors in judgment.
Those with sense are know to be intelligent.

God's Holy Spirit, which does dwell within,
will guide us in making right decisions.
The Holy Spirit is our conscience,
our voice of reasoning that makes sense.

...have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:14

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