Life is a Garden Party

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

First of May

After a week of cold, rainy weather
a walk around the yard today gathers
enough rhubarb for a pie
and asparagus - surprise!

I find I've missed seeing what grows in my lot.
You can be certain much needs to be done - a lot,
for the rain has greened the weed-filled grass
where dandelions abound in mass.

Last week's cold weather brought with it frost.
I see there are lilies done in by frost.
The wisteria got hit hard.
The Sum and Substance hosta looks sad.

Other surprises along the way
are found this beginning of May.
There are buds on the day lilies already
and the neighbor's crab apple is sooooo pretty.

The bleeding hearts show off 20 hearts on a stem.
I saw extra plants I can share with my new friends.
Lilacs are ready to burst
as soon as the sun shines forth.

Sunflower seeds dropped last year by hungry birds
have turned into seedlings, I saw on my tour.
They're growing in the vegetable garden,
which needs to be tilled one day, then tend.

Yes, there are dandelions aplenty.
If only I had a shiny penny
for each one, I'd be quite rich -
though in blessings I am rich.

Songbirds and tree toads now heard in chorus,
together making quite a ruckus
saying it's the end of another day.
April has been spent.  It's already May.

Bothersome nasty gnats.
I'm thinking I'll scat.
Tonight's sprinkle turns into a shower.
You'll now find me heading for the shower.

 - - - - -

The first of May
is a glad day
for a gardener's pay
come with daily sun rays,
the caw-cawing of blue jays,
busy bees buzzing away,
later a spring shower on everything lays.
Before you know it, it will be time to cut hay.
I'll cut a tulip and lilac bouquet to give away
for fragrant flowers abound throughout the month of May.
As the season progresses there will be other bouquets.
Peonies, roses, cone flowers to brighten someone's day.
There's much to be glad about today.
I know you agree with me.  Hurray!

* * * * *

Do you keep a diary
of what makes you happy?
We tend to forget the happy days
when anxiety fills up our days.

There really are more happy days
then there are sad, worrisome days.
A diary will help you remember these
as happy memories always please.

A happy heart makes the face cheerful.
Proverbs 15:13

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