Life is a Garden Party

Friday, April 25, 2014

Robin Red Breast

Robin red breast knows just when...
every springtime to return -
when the earth's temperature warms,
and earthworms are born
(for robins eat worms
every morn,
that's just the norm).

Robin red breast knows just when...
their rounded nest to form
where safe from springtime storms.
A baby dorm
with twigs adorned
and mud walls worn.
From robins we learn.

Robin red breast knows just when...
to sit like a hen and tend
their little blue eggs attend
safe from windy storms
in their twig-nest den.
Even when the wind bends,
they will stay put and tend.

Robin red breast knows just when...
their growing young ones will learn
from their parents, sometimes stern.
They teach how to fetch worms
and sing songs in the morn.
Young ones soon fly away from home,
then never again to return.

Robin red breast knows just when...
to awaken us every morn -
for the early bird gets the worm.
Wherever it is you may roam,
or especially if you stay home,
robins waken us on many a morn.
From robin red breast we learn.

Robin red breast knows just when...
every springtime to return,
for we all have much to learn.
A song they will send
to men and women.
For robins we yearn
for their quick return.

* * * * *

How welcome it is hear the birds
when in the spring their trill can be heard.
How welcome it is to see the robins
searching for their dinner, their heads bobbing.

How unwelcome is Christ the Savior
quite often in hearts of men and women.
Despite bestowing us all with loving favor,
He is rejected by His greatest creation.

We are God the Father's greatest creation,
yet often we turn away in rejection
for we seek our own selfish will -
instead of seeking God's perfect will.

It's been so from the beginning of time,
for we all seek to have a good time,
when we could be having the best time -
if only we'd seek God all of the time.

...the birds make their nests...
Psalm 104:17

Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests,
but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.
Matthew 8:20

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