Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset,
swiftly flow the years.
Seedlings turn overnight into sunflowers
laden with happiness and tears.
(from Fiddler on the Roof)

Seeds planted yesterday
have sprouted today.
Germinated then burst.
Out of their shell came forth.

These little sprouts
will send out
two little leaflets
where nutrition is kept.

Growing by leaps and bounds
a center stalk abounds,
huge leaves surround,
with roots underground.

These roots provide needed stability
for life isn't always tranquility.
Sometimes storms arise
and trouble is nigh.

But these seedlings survive,
much to everyone's surprise,
with flowers

Soon taller than you are,
these tall yellow flowers,
dependent on sunshine and rain
from heaven which daily reigns.

seeds are ripe
then birds
are heard.

Caw caw
caw caw
they swipe

The elements defeated.
Their cycle of life completed.
In a hurry to grow up.
Now becomes someone's sup.

Did you guess the name of this flower?
Tall stalk, big leaves, yellow flower,
producing seeds
that becomes bird feed.

I'm a happy flower named after the sun.
When birds come to eat my seeds, to watch is fun.
I can grow as tall as a tower.
I'm a bright yellow sunflower.

* * * * *

From sunrise to sunset
each new day is met
with unused seconds, minutes, hours,
with sunshine or possibly showers.
Twenty-four hours to make a difference
for there is someone needing encouragement.

To make a difference regarding injustice
for the world is full of evil and injustice.
The plight of abused children, of famine, of poverty,
of violence and incurable sickness would make one cry.
It's like a blight across the land
and across the seas to other lands.

Yet today twenty-four hours have been granted to us
to make a difference in just one life if we would just
sacrifice a little time or a few dollars to help
those who cannot help themselves, a giving of oneself
is a wise investment of time
each day one finds, time after time.

Don't put off until tomorrow
what may lessen someone's sorrow.
Tomorrow may be too late
to relieve someone's fate
for evil lurks
and always hurts.

How quickly time seems to go.
As fast as the river flows.
Those once young, now old.
Those old could have told
how quickly times goes
for they certainly know.

Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart;
then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work
and in everything you put your had to.
There will always be poor people in the land.
Therefore I command you to be open handed
toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.
Deuteronomy 15:10-11

Anyone who knows the good he ought to do
and doesn't do it, sins.
James 4:17

To order Life Is a Garden Party, go to WestBow Press.

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