Life is a Garden Party

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sunny Days/Rainy Days

Last week sapphire blue skies
and the bright sun in the sky
made one feel like accomplishing something
after the long, cold winter doldrums.

This week heavy-laden gray skies
as the sun seemingly hides
making one feel like sleeping,
accomplishing nothing.

Last week a heavy blanket of snow on the garden,
though the bright sun was most encouraging.
This week melted snow makes the appearing garden sodden
and the heavy-laden sky disheartening.

We focus on the here and now
versus the end of the rainbow
for after the rain passes through
we're given a delightful new view.

The here and now with its difficulties
versus next week's celebratory party.
Instead of looking ahead,
we live with doldrums and dread.

Rainy days
do give way
to sunny days
again one day.

Sunny days each spring filled with an array of blooming flowers:
crocus', daffodils, tulips in a rainbow of colors,
though it's only after the rain
that these flowers bloom again.

Those rainy days are needed, you see,
for they work miracles for all to see
just as our difficulties mature us to be
the compassionate people we were meant to be.

* * * * *

A friend, 90 something, told me
she used to always have a positive disposition,
but now with declining health
she feels she's developed a negative disposition.

She can no longer go
where she used to go.
Her knees no longer support her
so she now shuffles with a walker.

She has to rely on others
and feels like she's a bother.
It takes too much energy to explain,
so she often suffers silently in pain.

She feels the sun will never return,
lost days for which she now mourns,
as she combats these days of rain
not knowing how many days remain.

She's not at all afraid of the end
for she knows exactly where she will end.
She's on the express train
that ends up in heaven.

She's going to a mansion on the happy day express.
The letters on the engine spell J-E-S-U-S.
The guard calls "all for Jesus,"
she gladly answers YES!
She's going to a mansion on the happy day express.

There's room on this happy day express for you too.
Straightway to heaven, our home beyond the blue.
Decide today, yes or no,
before you hear the whistle blow.

There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents...
Luke 15:7

We know that if the earthly body we live in is destroyed,
we have a building from God,
an eternal house in heaven,
not built by human hands.
II Corinthians 5:1

Our citizenship is in heaven.
Philippians 3:20

To order Life Is a Garden Party, Vol II
go to WestBow Press, Amazon or B&N.

To order Life Is a Garden Party, Vol I
go to Amazon or B&N.


  1. This blog/poem is beautiful, Judy! I like your insight into the mental thoughts of your 90😍+ something friend. Sounds as if she has come to grips with her age & declining health. Something some aren't ale to do with clear cognitive processes in tact. God bless her & give her grace as she treads lightly through her golden years!

  2. P.S. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers in your blogs! They add so much beauty & loveliness❤️

  3. Sheri, Ruth is now 96 and is in a nursing home. I saw her a couple of weeks ago. She is an encouragement and inspiration to many.
