Life is a Garden Party

Wednesday, July 17, 2019



Nature and its beauty cannot be explained
other than a miracle once ordained
by the Creator in the beginning
when life was established by God speaking
“and it was so” and “it was good”
as only the one true God could.

God created plants and trees
to bear seeds in their fruit, you see,
for God works out every detail
even making flowers male and female
with pistils and stamens
and ovaries, even.

Consider the lily for a minute
which propagates from a tuber or bulb
where it reproduces offshoots,
or seeds it might also produce.
Other lilies produce bulbettes in their leaf nodules.
A dozen per stalk each year to produce more. A real miracle!

Patient gardeners will wait
for these seeds to re-create.
Three years later they are rewarded,
for gardeners are not often thwarted,
with pretty blooms
when the bulb zooms.

Or the bulb will multiply
under the soil as if shy.
Every year to return
as if being reborn.
Another miracle in the offering.
One of the many joys of gardening.

Day lilies might also produce seed pods
as well as multiplying tubers in the sod.
Every “plant bearing seed according to their kind”:
lilies, purple cone flowers, rudbeckias, columbine,
oregano, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme,
from God who showers blessings and daily sunshine.

* * * * *
Creation shows the power of God
there's glory all around
and those who see
must stand in awe
for miracles abound.
I believe in miracles
I've seen a soul set free
miraculous the change in one
redeemed at Calvary
I've seen the lily push its way
up through the stubborn sod
I believe in miracles...for I believe in God.
By John W. Peterson

No one can say it better than that
so I'll leave you with this hymn intact.

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation:
seed-bearing plants and trees on the land
that bear fruit with seed in it,
according to their various kinds." And it was so.
The land produced vegetation:
plants bearing seed according to their kinds and
trees bearing fruit with seed in it
according to their kinds.
And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:11-12

Life Is a Garden Party
is available via Amazon.

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