Life is a Garden Party

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Today's Partial Garden Tour


Moon flower, blooms at dusk - like watching a miracle open.
Photo taken early morning.  Not true color.

Primrose in pink.

Primrose nicknamed sundrops.

First rose campion bloom of the season.
Shared by a former neighbor.

Rose campion have self-seeded abundantly.
Biennial.  Blooms the second year.

This bed is filled with rose campions.

Foxglove originally from friend's sister in NJ.
Self-seeded in several locations.
Doesn't winter over well in this zone.

The end of the iris for the season.  
All iris' given to me.

Love-in-a-mist seeds came from a rummage.
I believe the blue darkens as they age.

Rosa - fragrant.

Thinking the fairies had a wedding last night and threw rose petals.

Heat blooming many blossoms:

Snow-on-the-mountain through the looking glass,
from Aunt Sophia.
Will remove blossoms soon to keep foliage looking nice.

A gift of baby pink peony.

See how the lilies of the field grow.

They do not labor or spin.

Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor 

was dressed like one of these.

Matthew 6:28-29

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