Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, November 6, 2021




Hoarfrost last night.

This morning's sunlight

dissipates the frost.

Summer's flowers now lost.

Icy chill in the air

though sky clear and fair.

No clouds interrupt.

Blue skies from morn to sup.

As the sun streaks

through trees tall peaks

streaks of white frost disappear,

leaving behind a path clear.

The sun highlights the hill

where crayon colors spill.

Above the hill

clear blue skies thrill.

Hillside rust, gold, and green

though every day less green.

Orange appears opposite blue on the color wheel.

To leaf watchers, October skies are a big deal.

Hoarfrost atop trees.

Trees seen dropping their leaves

like rain drops.

Leafs float then plop.

Listen, you can hear them plop.

A gentle rustle as they stop

atop the blanket of leaves

later stirred up by a breeze.

Each leaf floats down like a wave goodbye

bidding summer goodbye, autumn is nigh

though autumn doesn't last long at all

you'll realize each every fall.

When autumn comes there's much to do

for Jack Frost comes with much ado.

Gardeners hurry for the days are short

as they deadhead and perhaps plant in the dirt.

A perfect autumn day

for the sunshine's bright rays

warmed the air by noon.

Deadheading now looms.

Or maybe plant spring bulbs.

Something gardeners love

for bulbs hold a promise and a wish

when spring arrives with a flourish.

In the meantime a day to enjoy the sun.

A day to get fall cleanup over and done.

The hoarfrost

once cold, now lost.

* * * * *

From sun up to sun down

a gardener is found

laboring all day under the sun

for nothing is more satisfying, none,

than harvesting the fruits of your labor

then sharing with friends and neighbors.

Do not forget to do good and to share with others,

for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:16

Frosty Morning

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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