Life is a Garden Party

Monday, July 4, 2022


It was July 4th, perhaps 2005, I started writing in rhyme.  I remember I had a bit of sun poisoning so sat outside with a used notebook and pen instead of working in the yard.  There was this phrase that had kept running through my mind for a few days after a conversation with a neighbor - from dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn.  That became the first poem, which is in Vol I.  The title came to me some time later when I was walking in from the garden.  Later I realized deer think my property is a garden party.  

I remember it was a hot summer.  I sat in front of the AC composing poem after poem, staying up later, getting up early, writing thoughts down in the middle of the night and then not being able to read my writing in the morning.  Because it was so oppressingly hot that summer, I went out to the yard early morning to draw some illustrations.

I am not composing new poems these days but editing what has been written from time to time.  This summer the hot, humid days of summer will find me once again in front of the AC again editing.  Looking forward to it.  It's especially heartwarming to be reminded of God's faithfulness back then.  "This I recall to mind and therefore I have hope..."  Lamentations 3.  

Lady Chatterley

Someone's not too happy.

In fact, downright yappy.

Lady Chatterley has returned

this sunny summer weekday morn.

I didn't know she was here

until her chattering appeared.

Yes, I did distinctively hear

Lady Chatterley loud and clear.

There she is chasing my friends

who daily come visit when

the bee balm is in bloom

morning, night, or at noon.

Lady Chatterley doesn't want to share

so she chases away on a dare -


while chasing.

Now she's left all alone

to dine on red flowers grown

where beneficial bees

sip contentedly.

Does she know buzzing bees might retaliate

if disturbed when she comes to investigate?

She doesn't seem to mind

when bees zoom in to dine.

But, oh, when she sees another hummingbird

much chattering can be heard

as she gives chase

here at my place.

Although there are many flowers with which to share

she's seen chasing, rather one or a pair.

Perhaps Lady Chatterley thinks she's the queen.

Perhaps she is. I've labeled her the Queen of Mean.

Did you guess who Lady Chatterley is?

She's a female hummingbird. Whiz whiz.

She doesn't sit still for a minute;

neither quiet for a moment.

Not only can you hear that distinct hum,

she pipsqueaks with her fast-moving tongue.

Do take time to be silent and listen.

Here she is now. I hear her wings humming.

* * * * *

How much of our daily chatter

is simply that: babble or tattle?

And quite often what we say probably isn't edifying;

if truth be known, it's usually in the form of murmuring.

What we think

and what we speak

should always be edifying -

building one up, encouraging.

Not tearing down as often is the case,

judging others without a measure of grace.

Looking for the good

as we know we should.

Everyone everywhere

has troubles they bear.

We all need more encouragement.

In turn, peace and joy will be sent!

Be an example in word and deed.

Others will emulate you, indeed.

Encourage one another.

Everyone will be happier.

Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it

will become more and more ungodly.

II Timothy 2:16

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace

and to mutual edification.

Romans 14:19

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father,

and with it we curse men,

who have been made in God's likeness.

Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.

My brothers, this should not be.

James 3:10

Whatever you do,

whether in word or deed,

do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17

Encourage one another

and build each other up.

I Thessalonians 5:11

To capture photos of hummers, I've learned to sit under the tree vs. approaching.

It can be quiet frustrating, but a few photos will be clear and saveable.

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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