Life is a Garden Party

Friday, July 29, 2022



Tea Party

An afternoon tea is being prepared.

Sun tea. What will today's guests wear?

In what color will they dress?

Which tea will they like best?

On the wings of the wind floats

someone dressed in an orange cloak

stopping at the purple butterfly bush

where yellow striped guests also sip their lunch.

Dressed to the hilt

with polka dots and stripes

she's not late for her afternoon cup of tea

which she's happy to share with hes and shes.

There's purple cone flower tea

and lavender blazing star tea.

She sips to her heart's content

then up, up, up she went...

to try another flavor -

zinnia tea she favors.

It's hard to decide

as she quietly glides...

to sample pink hollyhock tea

where she finds more hungry bees

sipping this nectar

for breakfast, lunch, and supper.

This tea party guest

wore an orange dress.

Did you guess a monarch butterfly?

There she goes, on the wind she glides.

Other teas await.

Guests are not late.

Yellow lily tea is sipped in my town

by someone dressed in a yellow striped gown.

Looking like she lunched on "Cheetos,"

she then stops at the cosmos.

Her wings are covered with golden pollen

as she sips from each, going round and round.

She, too, likes zinnia tea

as do the yellow striped bees.

Afternoon tea delights

these winged creatures in flight.

She samples another flavor tea

sharing next to her friends, it's free.

Fragrant, colorful ambrosia

uplifting, yet relaxing, to all.

This garden guest

wears a yellow dress.

It was a swallowtail

who visited my dale.

Another guest prefers red tea

as they share alongside the bees.

A green vest is worn over a white tee.

They prefer a straw to sip their tea.

Geranium tea is drunk this afternoon.

Look quick as its sipper zooms

in the red begonia for more tea

before sampling red trumpet vine tea.

They especially love red bee balm tea, they do,

pleasantly scented with citrus flavored dew.

To cleanse their palate, a sip

of blue borage tea is sipped.

This afternoon guest

was a hummingbird.

Did you know? Did you guess?

Their favorite color is red.

Who likes sunflower tea the best?

It's the bees wearing yellow striped vests.

They also like squash blossom tea

while humming a song of glee.

This song of contentment is heard

at this tea party outdoors.

The crickets even join in

strumming a constant din.

Afternoon tea was a great success.

Whose outfit did you like the best?

Tomorrow more tea will be brewed

and more acquaintances will be renewed.

Do you have a tea party planned?

Please do take the time to plan

time to sit and sip

as your cup is tipped...

with a cup of hibiscus tea

full of Vitamin C.

Cheers! Cheers

to you, my dears.

* * * * *

I hope these tea party guests brought a smile to your face.

When they visit me, they bring a smile to my face

as one afternoon in August I sat

with pen and paper in lap

recording what I saw happening

as fluffy clouds overhead were drifting.

My heart was cheerful

as my yard was full

of winged guests -

can you guess

from the clues above:

butterflies, which I love,

bees and hummingbirds

quite often heard.

Rather sitting or working in my yard,

it's an occasion to give glory to God:

O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder

consider all the worlds thy hands have made,

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder

thy power throughout the universe displayed,

then sings my soul

my Savior, God to thee,

how great thou art,

how great thou art!”

A happy heart makes the face cheerful. Proverbs 15:13

The cheerful heart has a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,

and good news gives health to the bones.

Proverbs 15:30

A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs 17:22

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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