Life is a Garden Party

Friday, May 31, 2024




After seeds are planted in the ground

life begins from that little round

or oval-shaped seed so small

in which life originates for all.

After sun and rain nourish that little seed

buried under the soil down on ones knees

it begins to sprout

quickly bursting out.

After a week it emerges through

reaching heavenward toward skies of blue

where two little leaflets drink

dewdrops when morning winks.

After a few more days more leaflets appear

sometimes feed by showers of heaven's tears,

although other times these showers become storms

when this little seedling looks quite forlorn.

After storms of life buffet this little life,

sometimes cutting like a knife,

this little seedling rights itself again

and is happy to see the sun return.

After several weeks of sunshine

this little seedling grows into a vine

where blossoms form and intertwine

its tendrils up a fence line.

After the blossoms form

bees visits from their drone.

Sing-song buzzing is in the air

on days when it's sunny and fair.

After soaking up the sun's warmth

these blossoms turn into fruit -

perhaps snow peas, or cucumbers,

or pumpkins, or green pole beans or...

After these vegetables mature

there'll be good eating for sure.

Harvesting takes place

as one feeds one's face.

After these vegetables mature

inside each are seeds for more

to reproduce next year.

An excellent plan, that's clear.

After awhile seeds are dried

then in an envelope they hide

until next spring -

which is exciting.

After weeks of summer, but all too soon,

autumn's cold frost will bring with it doom

ending the cycle of life

with dying and certain death.

Afterward these vines are recycled into compost

when this gardening "black gold" another seed will host.

The cycle of life completed for this seed.

For humans, bees, and compost it did feed.

After all is grown and gone

a miracle lives on

as seeds will reproduce

with more ideas for this muse.

Seriously, in each seed there's a miracle,

as well as a cure for whatever ails,

for a healthy life is daily maintained

from good-for-us minerals and vitamins.

* * * * *

As all gardening ends with death,

then a recycling; as with life

death is not the end,

it's a new beginning.

After this life

there's eternal life

if you believe

and Christ receive.

Your old life can be recycled into new

if you believe what God did is true.

That God's Son died

for you and I.

There is a happily-ever-after.

It's in heaven, the thereafter,

and will be reserved for you today

if you believe in Christ Jesus, then pray.

"Dear Lord, I believe

and your gift receive.

You're always be with me in all that I do

and I have your promise of everlasting life with you."

There really is a happily-ever-after,

although not on earth as so earnestly sought after.

We won't receive it until we die,

when we go to our home beyond the sky.

If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved.

Romans 10:9

Our citizenship is in heaven.

And we eagerly await a Savior from there,

the Lord Jesus Christ,

who, by the power that enables him

to bring everything under his control,

will transform our lowly bodies

so that they will be like his glorious body.

Philippians 3:20

Squash Blossoms
(female on left)

Life Is a Garden Party
is available via Amazon.

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