Life is a Garden Party

Friday, May 24, 2024



Garden Band

On a sunny day

the band comes out to play.

Who joins the garden band?

Come. See. You'll be a fan.

This morning the band is heard warming up.

Look. It's the bees in the borage. Yep!

Come listen. It's free.

They never sound off key.

Then a loud hum joins in.

Look quick. It's hummingbird wings.

He's a welcome addition

as he stops to audition.

He's directed to the string section

where there's a lot of vibrating action.

Someone imitates a violin

and there's the twang of banjo strings.

Another new member sits in the woodwind section

where everyone harmonizes in collaboration.

There are piccolo chirps.

Others imitate a flute.


so sweet

that humans take note

of the song being wrote.

Tunes from oboes, saxophones,

clarinets, and trombones

are heard in this symphony

sung by visiting birds and bees.

A mockingbird joins the garden band.

His song is heard throughout the land.

He imitates trumpets, tubas, french horns

for mockingbirds fool from the day they were born.

Soon the bandleader will point

to keynote speakers on point.

Who is it that joins the band?

It's the crickets. A lively clan.

They sit in the percussion section

strumming louder for attention.

Rhythmic they strum

having so much fun.

Now a soloist joins the orchestra.

Who is it that whistles loudly just for show?

It's the caw caw of a crow.

He has the loudest voice, you know.

The garden band has many members.

They practice from April through October

then many members go on tour

as in October southward they soar.

Take time to listen to the free concert today

for soon the band members will be on their way

to entertain the senior citizens

in their Floridian winter homes.

* * * * *

When God's Word states “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

Someone literally took God at His Word – it's the birds.

But God's Word was written for you and I.

Are the songs we sing joyful or filled with why?

Do we daily thank and praise God with joyful hearts

or do we doubt God's faithfulness as each day starts?

Our words are our recorded music.

Words can be therapeutic.

Words like: “you’re a blessing”, “thanking God for you”,

God is good”, “praise the Lord”, “to God be the glory”.

Let these words praising God or edifying others replace words

that curse, fight, slander, ridicule. Words that cannot be unheard.

What do you want to be remembered for?

An encourager, through your words and more.

Or will the legacy you make

leave behind only heartache?

Make music in your heart. Shout for joy.

Everyone around you will enjoy.

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,

burst into jubilant song with music;

make music to the Lord with the harp,

with the harp and the sound of singing,

with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn -

shout for joy before the Lord, the King.

Psalm 98:4-6

What she has done (said)

will also be told in memory of her.

Matthew 26:13


Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.

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