Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, January 7, 2023



I seen posts recently suggesting one choose a word for the year.  I've been coming across the word THROUGH the past few weeks.  That's going to be my word of the year.

Am reminded of Andrae Crouch's song THROUGH IT ALL -

I've had many tears and sorrows

I've had questions for tomorrow

There's been times I didn't know right from wrong
But in every situation
God gave me blessed consolation
That my trials come to only make me strong

Through it all. through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God

Through it all, through it all

I've learned to depend upon His Word

I've been to lots of places
I've seen a lot of faces
There's been times I felt so all alone
But in my lonely hours
Yes, those precious lonely hours
Jesus lets me know that I was His own

Through it all, through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God

Through it all, through it all
I've learned to depend upon His Word

I thank God for the mountains
And I thank Him for the valleys
I thank Him for the storms He brought me through
For if I'd never had a problem
I wouldn't know God could solve them
I'd never know what faith in God could do

Through it all, through it all

I've learned to trust in Jesus,

I've learned to trust in God.

Through it all, through it all,

I've learned to depend upon His Word.

In deciding a photo for this post, a butterfly came to mind.  What a transformative  journey the butterfly has from birth - from a dot of an egg CHANGING into a caterpillar - when it consumes like its life depends on it, CHANGING into a chryllis - seemingly a time of rest but also a time of preparation/maturing for the next stage of life, before struggling to CHANGE from something nondescript to something beautiful - with wings - that introduces freedom (versus confinement), which amaze all who watch its flight.  

What an awesome example of how our struggles are met to mature us.  We go about life providing for ourselves, then life brings situations that make us feel confined (when, not if), we're at wits' end as to what to do.  Perhaps God allowed it to be a time of rest, to seek God, which matures our spiritual journey.  After we learn whatever spiritual lesson God has in mind, life takes on a new beauty.  We have a freedom that we didn't realize before.  

Change into/transform = metamorphosis.  

Yes, life is filled with change, struggles, troubles, problems...daily.

Our THROUGH IT ALL is meant to change/transform us.  To grow our faith, to learn to trust, to seek and rely on God, to encourage others in the faith.

THROUGH - not remaining, but a rebirth, a transformation, on the other side.

When you pass THROUGH the waters, I will be with you;

when you pass THROUGH the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

When you walk THROUGH the fire, you will not be burned.

Isaiah 43:2

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