Life is a Garden Party

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Flower Child and more...

 My neighbor's cat has adopted me.  I named her Spooky, but she also known as "just a sec" as I'm taking photos or harvesting and tell her to wait a sec before receiving her morning treat, then races me to the back door. She loves to take morning tour with me giving her another name "Flower Child."  Another one of her favorite activities is rolling around in the garden thyme.  Gives her the same high as catnip does.

Currently late summer garden is filled with gold and yellow.

Years ago planted some sunflower seeds.  Sunflowers are annuals.  Now they self-seed wherever, making the vegetable garden an obstacle course...

...which draw in my beloved bees:

The butterfly bush invites butterflies, hummingbirds, hummingbird moths, and bees...

A few other blooms:


Rose of Sharon:

Datura - blooms at dusk

Nasturiums - every part of plant edible and also insect repellent.

Love that zinnias have double flowers.  The inner circle reminds me of a crown, which reminds me of Psalm 103:4 ...who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion...

Early morning I attempt to take a garden tour as well as harvest daily.  What miracles transpire overnight!  This scripture from Luke 9:43 seems to fit the occasion:  

They were all
at the greatness of God.

amazed = filled with wonder

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