Life is a Garden Party

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Good Night

Good Night

Twilight quietly falls

this month before fall.

Good nights are bid

until morning bids.

One by one good nights are said

as lodging is found in leafy beds.

Not beds with pillows of down

but beds filled with foliage hanging down.

Good night bluebird, good night titmice.

Today certainly was nice.

Good night blackbird and woodpecker.

Thanks for the day filled with laughter.

Good night sparrow, good night wren.

Good night all my new friends.

Good night chickadee, good night killdeer.

Good night to loved ones far and near.

Good night cardinal, good night blue jay.

Wasn't today a beautiful day?

Good night finch, good night robin.

Sweet dreams until morning.

Tweets and chirps refrain

yet another refrain remains -

tree toads peep under the moonlight

while crickets strum (annoyingly) through the night.

This day comes to a close

as birds eyelids close.

Good night.

Sleep tight...

until morning comes again

and a new day awakens

with chirps and tweets

that sound so sweet.

* * * * *

Have you noticed that the birds say "good night"

just as "The Walton's" family bid good night?

Someone always seems to get the last word in

as twilight quickly turns into evening.

Soon most of these feathered friends

will their southward journey begin.

The birds will be missed as winter is too quiet.

Come March, though, chirps begin to dispel this respite.

The month before the advent of fall,

do take time to listen to their calls.

Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons,

and the dove, the swift and the thrust

observe the time of their migration.

Jeremiah 8:7 NIV

Cranes know when it's time to move south for winter.

And robins, warblers, and bluebirds

know when it's time to come back again.

Jeremiah 8:7 MSG

Life Is a Garden Party

is available via Amazon.


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