Life is a Garden Party

Thursday, December 11, 2014


If you're at all familiar with the Bible
you know it's filled with promises wonderful.
Promises that come true in your life and mine
as the Bible applies to all at all times.

You've noticed that blessings are given
freely to one's and others' children.
Many blessings were presented at the temple
by God's designated dedicated people.

Zechariah was a priest, upright in God's sight,
who obeyed God's commandments, always doing right.
Zechariah blessed his son John (the Baptist)
with God's words of wisdom.

Luke records that Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit.
How, like Moses, Zechariah's face must have been lit!
John was to prepare the way for Jesus' coming
as a prophet preaching about forgiveness from sins.

This blessing or benediction was ordained by God
even before John the Baptist was born, we're told.
What an amazing blessing
to the world was coming.

When Jesus as a baby, he was consecrated to the Lord,
in accordance with what is written in the Law of the Lord.
Consecrated or dedicated to the Lord.
Because of Christmas, we know this birth would change the world.

Simeon, righteous and devout, blessed Jesus in the temple.
A blessing that extends even today to all peoples.
This eternal blessing is found in believing
the One who came so our sins would be forgiven.

Anna, a prophetess,
also blessed Jesus,
stating he would redeem Jerusalem.
Anna's words were filled with God's wisdom.

Earth changing.
Bringing about a change for the good.
Christmas, Jesus' birth, changed the world - it would.

* * * * *

Are your spoken words blessings
or do they come out as cursings?
If your words are full of doubt
than a cursing has been let out.

Unfortunately we tend to talk more about what's wrong
than we do about our many blessings, which is wrong.
Words have power.  What we say affects us emotionally,
we often find, as well as physically and spiritually.

Our words have power to tear down or to enrich
not only ourselves but others within our reach.
Our words make a lasting imprint on others.
May our words always bless one another.

God has spoken blessings over you too.
In His faithfulness he cares for you.
May you realize God's love for you.
Here's a blessing from God's Word to you:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you
and be be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

Luke 1:76-79

Luke 2:22-23

Luke 2:29-35

Luke 2:36-38

Mark 10:16

Ephesians 1:3

James 3:10

Numbers 14:28

To order Life Is a Garden Party, Vol II
go to WestBow Press, Amazon or B&N.

To order Life Is a Garden Party, Vol I
go to Amazon or B&N.

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