Life is a Garden Party

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


My neighbor buys birdseed
and field corn on the cob.
Who is it that comes to feed?
The squirrels and chipmunks come rob.

Then across the yard they run
to hide millet and field corn
where it will grow in the sun.
Someone has a lesson to learn.

Did the squirrels and chipmunks know
when they hid the millet and corn
that these seeds would one day grow
with help from the rain and sun?

Did these robbers realize?
Or are they in for a surprise?
Will they come back to investigate
what's growing behind the garden gate?

Here's millet growing in the green beans.
Growing taller every day it seems.
It's a race with the field corn.
Are the robbers hungry and yearn?

It didn't pay to rob.
It's not a paying job
for in the end they lost
a free dinner at no cost.

* * * * *

To rob means to steal.
Slander also steals.
It steals someone's good name.
It leaves that person defamed.

Slanderers try to demean
and end up being mean
while they try to make themselves appear
better or wiser or superior.

Remember:  Set a guard over your mouth
or keep your opinion to yourself
will save someone's reputation -
mostly yours if you slander often.

He who guards his mouth and his tongue
keeps himself from calamity.
Proverbs 21:23

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